Friday, August 30, 2024

Musings on Warhammer Fantasy Law & Chaos, Mutants, Beastmen, and Chaos Gods.

Wrote this in bed waiting to fall asleep. Started with the idea of having law-aligned groups of mutants in the warhammer fantasy world. Not age of sigmar. That shit is boring as fuck. Also I don't know all the lore, I don't feel like I need to know all the lore to make fan stuff like this. Also I can choose to just ignore lore and make up my own stuff lel.

Firstly going to start with personal interpretations of law and chaos. Law is the idea of the one true path, that there is one way of life (or order or law) so strong and powerful it can conquer all. Chaos is the endless possibilities that your life can take, all happening at once and not at all.

Cause of that they naturally oppose each other. Law stopping chaos from making everything into a primordial soup of possibilities. Chaos stopping law from stomping out all novelty in the world until it’s an optimized gruel.

Law & Chaos were born at the exact same moment and have always existed in each other's presence. Thus there are no true chaotic or lawful force or being. Everything is a ratio of both.

To get onto mutants. Mutants, at least in the empire, are beings that should be killed and burned whenever you can. No exceptions, from the baby that was born with mutations to the late bloomer who was a normal person until puberty hit. Determined by the empire as agents of chaos.

However law’s idea of one to conquer does not inherently imply that the conqueror will be humans, elves, dwarfs, a mix and match of the previous, etc. It’s simply the order that wins at the end. Law is a Gu. So these mutants could be an extension of that. Brand new possible paths created by introducing a bit of chaos. 

Now mutants are typically depicted as a random mishmash of body horror or silly shit. Mayonnaise blood comes to mind as a way to describe it, even tho it's from shadow of the demon lord now WHF but whatever gets it across. There's no order in that besides them being human or another species once. 

However I would argue that this only the case with mutants who follow chaos. They want to be every possibility they could be at once. So of course they would be nonsensical. 

The lawful mutant on the other hands follows a stable and replicable mutation. A set of genes that will be past down to offspring. The birth of a brand new species that will either flourish or will be crushed by an existing order. In the eyes of law either outcome is expected if they wish to create the gold path.

And with that reasoning I'm going to see about making a faction or two of law-aligned mutants =w=. I mainly started this thought cause I was reading Gotrek and Felix and it put mutants on my mind. Always thought they got the short end of the stick so want to make something fun with them. 

And now a few side tangents. 

Given how consistent they are in appearance (big ungulate humanoid), and following the previous line of logic with the lawful mutants, I’ll say that they’re also a result of law producing a new order. But for some reason or another most have fallen into worshiping chaos. 

My guess is that they came from a world that was eventually taken over by chaos. Maybe they had a better understanding of the metaphysics of the world, and understood the general guidelines of law and chaos. Could've been some event that would lead to eventual downfall of their order, and thus the feeling of rejection from law. So in reaction there was an upturn of chaos worship, the worship of a power that would let them exist.

Now that they're in the WHF world, a world where there's still a strong concept of law, it could be possible that some beastmen factions turn away from chaos back to law. Them seeing it as a second chance to win and become the golden path.

Chaos Gods.
Thinking on my interpretation on chaos and law. And I wonder if the big chaos gods (Khorne, Nurgle, Slaanesh, Tzeentch, etc.) are as strong as they are due to lacking possibilities. Most chaotic beings aren't that strong due to being torn apart in so many directions. While these gods could be described as specific and incredibly dense living concepts. Giving them power over those concepts. 

Interestingly chaos with a bit of constraint from law has seemingly gotten the closest to law's goal of making a supreme order with the chaos gods. The same goes for Law. With it needing to propagate chaos in order to create new paths.

Lamentations of the Shopekeeper Launch

After a bit of a push from Sahh, I've uploaded a pdf full of equipment packs for level 1 Lamentation of the Flame Princess characters.

You can find it here!

You may also find Sahh's kilodungeon here! This is the dungeon I've been playing through while writing these packages. Highly recommend it.

Monday, August 26, 2024

Pregnant Nun & Imp "Husband"


GFs Idea: Sexy Nun

Says it right on the tin lel. I've also expanded it to practice some hyper and preg as well.

Also learned about layer masks from my friend. Changed my life with how I shade holy shit. Can't wait to use it more in the future =w=.

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Chain of Freaks: Blogging Challange

Friend of mine is starting a blogging challenge, going to be picking up from another a friend of mine's blog post.

The Houses Are Faces, Jean Veber, 1899

Essentially meant to use the above image to make a gameable piece: monster, npc, magic item, dungeon, village, etc.

The Gernstone Village [Dungeon]
No one is sure why it started, just what happened. A day like any other in the Gernstone village became overrun with suicides. Some made great shows of their deaths, while others quietly died in unseen locations. Only people foreign to the village were unaffected stupefied by the inhabitants actions. 

Ages later when the lord's men road into town to determine why the village had gone quiet. They had found the remains of the old village being crushed and upheaved by giant deformed heads, in the middle of transforming into brick and wood houses. It took a while for any of the men to recognize one of the faces as belonging to one of the original villagers.

It now lays abandoned, the lord cut their losses and heightened the taxes in their other holdings to make up for it. However it being so bizarre has lead the occasional adventurer to delve into the village.

The dungeon is a tightly packed area of houses that the PCs can raid. Each House is a very small confined area. Themed towards the original resident it grew from. Living memories spew from each villager-house, looking to protect their homes.

Cool Thing

Mikhail Petrov’s illustration for the tale “The Frog Tsarevna”.

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Politician & Knight Bodyguard


Image for the Yerrick zine, Politician and Muddy Goblet Knight. I'm off to work on other stuff cause while it only took 5~6 days to do, it felt much longer and I want to draw some other fun stuff to gain a breather.

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Ogre Bell Ringer

GFs Idea: Ogre Bikini

Well... I got as close as I could to a bikini =w=;.

Last night was a little more wilder than usual for him and he can't really hide it.

I didn't initially planned on him being a bell ringer when I first did sketch, he was initially gonna have a polearm. But thought that was boring, and a bit of a crutch for me. Drawing weapons is a bit of crutch lel. 

So ended up drawing something I don't usually draw. And I ended up throwing a lewd edge on him afterwards =w=. Wish I could've done the same lel.

Monday, August 12, 2024



Redraw of one of the drawings for the WIP Yerrick zine. Had a mid life art crisis after drawing the original image. And after talk with friends went back to exploring my art on my own terms.

Ended up going back to the detail heavy style, and I really missed drawing like this. The scratchy style still has it's place with me tho, I'll need it if I want to finish that zine quickly =w=;. Not to mention those 4 months of cranking out drawings really helped with training arc.

But lel here's a witch. One of the friendliest one, will guide you through the ceders if you give her a weapon.