Saturday, June 29, 2024

Warrior V. Chariot


GFs Prompt: a low/squatting combat stance & multiarmed warrior, master of arms huehue

I wanted to do a big fantasy piece, a dynamic standoff complete with detailed background. I ended up once again saying "Fuck off backgrounds" and just drawing the characters. Ended up looking up the Bleach Artbook I own after finishing this to get some affirmation that's it's completely fine to not drawing backgrounds (or just draw simple/abstract background) and focus on characters. 

The anatomy practice is really paying off, as I had that really guide me through piecing the warrior's pose together! He's a guy btw, rocking the leotard.

Anyways doing this piece made me realize I should try to be more ambitious with my drawings. This has been much more fun than drawing a full body standing character. Hell the idea of drawing two characters more subtlety interacting sounds more interesting than that. So I will do my best!

Wednesday, June 26, 2024



A little draw I did for a discord server, part of a monthly theme draw. This time was Greek Mythology, so I ended drawing a Heracles. Both like him ad figured he would be a good subject during training arc =w=

Gave him the 4 ab set since I feel that is particularly powerful looking. 6 and so packs always looked a bit wimpy lel. Also def gave him a feminine edge, more of my own tastes coming through~

Next big draw, def want try some hand practice. I will ask GFs for idea later~

Friday, June 21, 2024

Bikini Necro


This one made cry in frustration due to being hanged up on drawing hands. But my GFs came through for me and helped me process it. Now I finished!

Zombie elf femboy in the stitched on bikini~ was very fun to draw the bulge and legs. Especially after learning I can use the top of the femur as a landmark to determine dick location.

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Femboy in Bloomers

GFs Prompt: shorts that dont fit + Sporty Style

Lel wanted to draw a femboy. Was struggling a bit to come up with an outfit for the prompt, but had an epiphany. Gym Bloomers (lmao). Trying to get better at drawing hands now. Will def take a bit to fully understand, but I'm still moving forward. Very happy how I drew overall body =w=

Also had fun messing around with layer effects. 3 layers, burn, shine, and multiply. Quite like how the burn layer affected the colors. 

Next time, I will see about drawing bikini armor on a cute guy~ 

I think I will go for an edgy style lel~



It's her! The funny lady that went "You didn't win!" and ran away.

Lel tho seriously, that made me love her alot. To me you don't really see gym leaders be that much of a character (at least in the earlier games). So her doing that immediately endear me to her (Her design being cute as hell also did work but still). 

Also speaking of, ended up alter her design a bit. Used original designed and altered it. No cape, mainly cause my brain either couldn't understand how it worked or it did and just didn't like it. So ended up with long gloves. Also made leotard resemble kingdra's belly.

Also also, made her muscular but wasn't on purpose. Been on a training arc for last couple months, studying and internalizing anatomy. Was mainly me wanting to do more practice. Regardless she still looks good muscular =w=

Wednesday, June 12, 2024



This one came about with me wanting to practice drawing other kinds of shots, this one being a bust shot. Also wanted to practice different kinds of coloring tech. Very hard edge splotchy brush. 

Coloring is def something I feel I'll be working towards understanding for a long while. Trying to find a specific way of coloring that really resonates with me and feels fun to do. This feels fun, but something feels a bit off. Might be cause I'm unsure what I really want.

Background was me messing around with various filters and combining them. Really like the PSI mess I made of it lel.

Friday, June 7, 2024

Vault Mimic


GF's Prompt: unconventional mimic

Lel I wanted to make something weird and goofy like you would find in a fromsoft souls games. Going off GFs prompt ended up making this fuckus of a mimic. Gave me lots of practice drawing arms lel.

I'm imagining the first time you run into one of these, the room itself is trashed and filled with the visceral remains of some adventurers, the vault tucked in the corner. Wondering what did this, you try to open it and find out who did.

Thursday, June 6, 2024

Waterfall Shower


GFs Prompt: Shower

This time I don't stream that far off! But lel was trying to do a piece to help practice anatomy drawing. Had an epiphany on obliques the other day lel. 

Also got the chance to brush up on doing background work. Was recently inspired by an OVA i saw a handful of days ago. Patalliro! - Stardust Project (included in a playlist of other OVAs). Very zany, stylish, and queer as hell. Def recommend it. Love the abstract backgrounds that are all over it.

Also the girl is based on a depiction of a gendersap conan drawn by Mossacannibalis.

Monday, June 3, 2024



GFs prompt: holstaur girl milky boobs

The initial ideas was to be more of a vanilla holstaur monster girl. But I lost control and ended up making this. I quite like them tho~ plus gave me more practice on drawings musculature.

Really I just wanted an idea so I could practice drawing big breasts that weren't supported by anything. Their udders were probably my favorite part to draw and the part that came out the best imo lel.

Also also gave me the chance to try out a coloring tech I used last year with my current lining tech. I quite like it! Gonna stick with it~