Monday, September 9, 2024

WHF Araby 2

 A sequel to this post. Adding some more flavor to the region. Also made some edits to previous posts. Changed religious fundamentalists to extremists since it felt like it made more sense. Added a new section called Araby & Skaven. Also added two new scriptures.

- All beings have the right to Junoqim's love, not just humans.
- Those that take Junoqim's name in vain must be punished, if they keep doing it they must be killed.

But now onto the new additions.

The Magus.
Araby Magic Users. Meant to be civil servants or soldiers. Humans with magical ability whose bodies have been surgically altered and rebuilt in a metal body. Dawi runes ingrained on the insides of the body to stabilize the Magus and help them with casting spells. The brain is exposed and stakes are pushed into it. These stakes are the spells the magus will learn and cast solidified in physical form. 

The typical amount of stakes a Magus can have installed is typically 3. The chance of brain death and just death exponentially increases with each additional stake. Exceptions exist of course. Arash the Rainbow, was a war magus that was able to implant 8 stakes into her brain. Each one correlating with a different wind of magic.

This process of course is not for the light of heart. Even with Araby's advanced knowledge and technology, there's still a chance of the magus dying or becoming brain dead. Most Magus ended becoming much more colder, pragmatic, and calculating after a successful process. The best case scenario is a Magus' personality being completely unaffected, but that's incredibly rare.  

Araby War Machines. 

  • Striders. Small single seat horse-like scouting vehicle with long stick like legs. Can add attachments to “feet” to better traverse specific areas.
  • Roc. Single or double seated metal fixed wing propeller air planes. Bird Motif. Single seat usually meant for scouting and light skirmishes with aerial foes. Double seated are more equipped for elongated engagements as they have a dedicated gunner/bomb dropper. 
  • Behemoth. A massive crewed weapon platform in the shape of an elephant. Focuses on ranged weapons, cannons, and artillery. The trunk typically houses a flamethrower or a massive saw. 
  • Lepoard. A four legged crewed mech made in the shape of a lion. Very long and durable front claws and a steel whip tail. Meant for melee engagements. 
  • Jerboa. A quick single seated two legged mech. Meant for scouting rough terrain. Armed with a volley grenade launcher. 
  • Nephilim. A gigantic crewed mech in the shape of a human. Armed with thick armor and strong melee weapons. 
  • Ifrit. A four legged crewed weapon platform that can traverse all kinds of rough terrain. Built to house cannons or artillery.

Junoqim and Undeath
Strangely Worshipers of Junoqim are immune to undeath. Their corpses are unable to turned into zombies or skeletons, and they leave behind no ghost. They also can't be turned into vampires. Vampires that try to feed on Junoqim worshipers realize their blood becomes like acid to the vampire.

Some especially pious worshipers naturally cause the undead to shirk away or even become exorcised of their master's control altogether.  

Non-human inhabitants of Araby. Resembling humanoids with weird skin colors and animalistic features. They are made of smoke, physically powerful, shapeshifters (animal, human, or jinn form), can become invisible, naturally magical, and can possess living beings. 

Before Junoqim, these Jinn in tribes both in the mountains and the great desert of Araby. Worshiped as gods by the humans in the region, in exchange for protection, magical blessings, and to send misfortune to people they didn't like. This change once the slave trade picked up. The Jinn then were seen as exotic servants/pets to be sold as a very high price. After this turnabout the jinn split into two groups. Those that rescinded and hid away from humanity. And those that swore to exterminate humans from the face of the earth for this treachery, these Jinn call themselves Shaitan.

Nowadays most Jinn live in the mountains and the republic of Araby itself. While Shaitan live in the grand desert, waging a guerrilla war on the republic. They joined Cyrus' rebellion after he had did three things. The first, setting free any enslaved Jinn and seeing to their safe return home. The second, successfully string a Jinn Greatbow as a test of character (completely unheard of for a human to be able to do so, the bow was gifted to him afterwards). The third, shared the love of Junoqim with the Jinn, so that they can join in worship.

Those born of Jinn and Human parents and have features from both of their parents are called Jinni. Normal humans and Jinn can also be born from this coupling.

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