Saturday, February 17, 2024

Demon Slave RKGK

Inspired by Ziroko1's art.

Very much love Ziroko's muscle-bound characters, they hit such a good sweet spot between muscular and cute. I was planning on drawing his master groping him but didn't want to put too much more effort into anything but the initial subject.

Also I guess now is as good as time as ever to say that I'm bi and very much into fetish stuff lel. Been so since I was young (altho was mostly in denial due to outside pressures). Living a much happier life after embracing the sexual and weird. Big thanks to the people that helped me find myself!
The thin shackles and chains were based on the captive spirit from Dragon's Crown (even here I will find a way to talk about Vanillaware lel). Another favorite game of mine, one that helped with my sexual awakening in the future. My feelings towards Amazon turned into feelings of wanting to be as sexy as her as I grew up.

Source of Cap

Really I just like characters that are just sexually attractive. And wish there wasn't such a stigma from just having sexy characters in a piece of art/media (an even spread between masc, fem and andro characters is my ideal). Or just sex and fetishes in general.

I speak as an American there, where alot of anti-sex stuff I've seen is policing people's thoughts who want to express it through fiction or just even saying their thoughts aloud at all to process them, people expressing extreme disgust and throwing death threats at people who find not real people sexy for one reason or another (AKA every fictional character), and alot of racism related to Japanese art (but no big shocker there since America is built on white supremacy and racism, as well as having a recent war with them).

I guess to settle on a point on this ramble. Making art for the sake of sex, fetish, and sexuality is something that shouldn't be oppressed.

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