Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Pirate & Armored Princess RKGK


Couple of more RKGK I did inspired by Princess Crown characters (and a bit of Odin Sphere). Specifically Portgus and Gradriel (as well Gwendolyn & Mercedes). 

Dug up my PS4 and playing through Odin Sphere Leifthrasir after 6 years. I got to the start of Velvet and did the thing where you just stop playing a game even tho you were enjoying it. Maybe it's an ADHD thing. 

Regardless I'm having a much more enjoyable time this time round. Not using the shortcuts for powers and magic (gives it a unique feel of turn based and real time action), alot more item use and mixing, really love it~ and hopefully I finish this time.

Just finished Cornelius tonight and Gwendolyn the other day. Still love Gwendolyn's story, a bit underwhelmed by Cornelius. Felt like it was a lot of faffing about as compared to Gwendolyn. But now I'm playing Mercedes which I remember loving alot as well. Gonna have to get used to how she plays tho (also god she's so cute~).

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