Thursday, January 25, 2024

List of monsters & humans

Gnarled Monster by Doré, Gustave
One of my favorite pieces, and the favorite of alot of others too given how much it's used lel.

Creatures that directly predate humans, or are aggressive to humans in some way. Mundane animals can be called monsters.

A specific type of monster that is able to speak in order to take advantage of people. Very dangerous predators, especially if they look really similar to other people.

Replicating a baby's cry in order to lure someone into the dark. Tempting humans with deals that ultimately favor the demon. Yelling out for their mother before getting killed to create an opening.

A person that was able to separate their soul from their body. Making their body immortal and invincible. Their soul is housed in a specific creature or object that if destroyed will kill the immortal.

The lingering will of the dead. To be clear this isn't their soul, their soul has already passed over into the underworld. The will is the echoes of your life, held in place by great emotions. In rare cases a ghost can be deliberately left behind in order to help the living when called upon.

Monsters & objects that became human. They're also able to shapeshift on a spectrum, with a human form on one end and their original form on the other. 

A specific type of Spirit. They are monsters that were made into spirits by a divine being. They typically act as intermediaries between people and said divine beings.

An exceedingly rare type of human. Armed with supernatural abilities, ancient knowledge, and a powerful physique. Normally the monarchs of kingdoms where in exchange for worship the Demigod protects their subjects (as long as the citizens don't bring the ire of the Demigod).

A person's soul stolen from the underworld and placed within a corpse. Done by spellcasters who wish to steal the souls of powerful people to use as slaves. Of course the act of doing so will lead both the Necro and the spellcaster to be targeted by the Mort's angels. Mort being the ruler of the Underworld. 

An uncommon type of human that has adapted to living in the open water. Able to hold their breaths for long periods. Their legs melded into a single tail fin, webbed hands, smooth skin like a whale, row of sharp teeth, only hair remaining is on their head.


Author's Note.
To be fully transparent yes I did steal this idea of demons from Frieren at the Funeral (wonderful manga and anime go give it a look).

Immortals were directly inspired by Koshchei the Immortal. Very on the nose I know lel. But as someone who grew up watching soviet media he was one of the first mythological figures I was exposed to as a kid. Specifically his depiction Along Unknown Paths (1983).

Ghosts, specifically the part about them choose to stay in this state to help the living was directly inspire by Hoodoo. More specifically stuff like High John the Conqueror Root. To quote from the wikipedia page.
"In African American folk stories, High John the Conqueror was an African prince who was kidnapped from Africa and enslaved in the United States. He was a trickster, and used his wit and charm to deceive and outsmart his slaveholders. After the American Civil War, before High John the Conqueror returned to Africa, he told the newly freed slaves that if they ever needed his spirit for freedom his spirit would reside in a root they could use."
Only really got exposed to it cause of this great vid, "A Black Women’s History of Hoodoo, Conjure, & Witchcraft" by Intelexual Media. Def look up more of her vids.

Spirits were inspired by how I heard certain East Asian or South East Asian spirits be described as. Probably both Sun Wukong and Tsukumogami. I really wish I had a better memory about this.

Demigod are just directly inspired by the demigod entry in "The Monster Overhaul" by Skeples. Probably also a bit of Gilgamesh from Fate/Stay Night and the ways Greek gods are depicted in pop culture. 
Angels are there due to just currently appreciating the idea of angels. The agents of a god or similar interacting with (and hopefully helping) people just feels comforting. Plus the vague description of angels allows me room to make alot of things into possible angels.

Necro inspired after seeing a boss from Princess Crown who's title was Necro. She is (what I assume to be due to no English TL) a dead person whose body was remade from multiple different bodies. I guess a Frankenstein is a better way to describe, but I think Necro sounds rad so we're going with that.

Mermaids are there cause of a mix of liking the concept of mermaids in general and not wanting them to just be a monster. That latter part is probably due to Dragon Quest and how they depict mermaids rubbing off on me lel.

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