Thursday, January 25, 2024


Landsknecht Ogres by Wargames Atlantic

A demon that wanders the land for battle.

HD: 5
Armor: Variable (Minimum Leather+Shield)
Move: Normal
Attack: Weapon
Special: When bloodied they make 2 weapon attacks each round.

Appearance: A very tall beefy humanoid, red skin, covered in scars, horns, rows of sharp teeth in a big mouth, well used armor and melee weapons.
Voice: low, brutish, incredibly loud when they want to be.
Smell: musk, sweat, iron.
Perception: keen humans. 

Wants: to fight, to become stronger, to gather trophies of worthy enemies (either as scars or actual bits and pieces of said enemy).
Personality: crude, smug, constantly sizing everyone up, deceptively focused.
Intellect: dim on most subjects, experts on combat practices and techniques.
Social: individualistic.
Plural: a company of Ogres.


Reason for Fighting: They don't need a reason to fight besides the thrill of it (and sometimes needing to kill something to eat it). Especially agitated ogres will just start fighting with the first character they see.

Tactics: they'll always prefer melee combat to other forms. They'll position themselves to attack the least armored parts of their opponents. Put cover between them and ranged weapons and magic. Pick out magic-user's on sight and attempt to take em out first if able. Push, trip, or grapple the enemy. Ambush their enemies, the sudden attack preempt by a deafening war cry.

Morale: it's always a battle to the death for an Ogre. The only chance you have is to run away and hope they can't catch you before they get bored. 


Reason for Speaking: To taunt and intimidate others. Negotiate with humans to be hired as a mercenary in exchange for room and board.

Environment: Ogres don't settle down and travel all over the place. It has to stay somewhere it's always some temporary base. An inn, mercenary camp, clearing in the woods, small cave, etc.

Valuable Parts: Adrenaline glands are used to make pills that cause the imbiber to enter an enhanced state. You become faster, stronger, greater reflexes, higher stamina, and dulls pain. if you over rely on these pills your body and mind will start breaking down, causing permanent ability score decreases.

Extra: Nobody really knows where ogres come from, so a bunch of folk tales fill in the void. Cursed humans that were born on a battlefield grow up into ogres. A mercenary company that made a pact with a demon for power. When a martial artist dies peacefully in their sleep their restless spirit stays in their body and warps it.


Author's Note.
Inspired by warhammer fantasy (and dragon quest). Always really loved the idea of the ogres going around being mercenaries and wearing the landsknecht fit. 

The dragon quest inspiration is from DQ10, where one of the playable species are Ogres. Really loved their look, and will forever make me sad it never got localized...

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