Tuesday, January 23, 2024


A species of monster that sees humans as a rival to it's spot on the food chain.

HD: 1
Armor: leather
Move: normal
Attack: weapon or bite
Special: n/a

Appearance: a viscous dog stretched over a human form, Looted weapons and patchwork armor.
Voice: barks, howls, growls, panting, sneezes.
Smell: feces, sour meat.
low light vision, overall better senses than the average human.

Wants: be the top of the food chain, the nice things humans have.
Personality: animalistic, predatory.
Intellect: malicious cunning.
Social: large packs, a majority made up by the young, lead by the most aggressive dogman. 
Plural: a pack of dogmen.


Reason for Fighting: A dogman will fight you if you have something they want, you're trespassing in their territory, or they see an opportunity to just kill you. If you look tough or well armed they'll back off and come back with friends.

Tactics: Ambushes, night attacks, capturing monsters to sic on their enemies, smearing feces onto weapons to cause infections, ruining food and water supplies with urine, rotten meat, and feces, barking and howling at night to keep you up, and false attacks. When fighting humans they like to decorate themselves in human body parts as a scare tactics.

Morale: Once in battle it's every dog for themselves. Even if the leader on their side dies the others will still fight. It's only when they have taken heavy damage themselves of feel they're about to be killed do they start to rout.


Reason for Speaking: negotiate with humans who don't want to fight them in exchange for tribute. They'll usually demand gear, food, human sacrifices, or information about nearby humans settlements. 

Environment: any kind of wilderness, especially if it's a forest. The perimeter of their territory is marked by urine, bones, flesh piles, and traps. The center of their territory is a warren where they sleep, mate, eat, store their spoils, raise their children, and prepare for raids.

Valuable Parts: curse-users use their organs for rabies curses, and their skull for black dog curses. Eyes are used for low-light vision potions. Their meat can be fed to normal dogs to make them more aggressive.

Extra: The younger a dogman is the more vicious they are. Dogmen babies especially, to the point that even within their own warrens the nursery needs to be cordon off. 

Special Features (d6)

  1. Locust. Plants rot and die in their presence.
  2. Musk. They emit a terrible smell. Forces a poison save on anybody attempting to eat or drink in their presence, on fail they instead throw up and waste their action.
  3. Erosion. Any stone they touch melts into mud.
  4. Cerberus. The dogman has three heads. 360 degree vision and only one head needs to sleep. 5 in 100 chance that they also have two extra sets of limbs to match the new heads.
  5. Spellcaster. The dogman is a level 1d4 magic-user.
  6. Demon. Can speak human languages in order to trick or intimidate humans. 

What are the Dogmen doing? (d10)

  1. An especially scary dogman is going around taking over the local packs to make a giant pack. 
  2. Tracking a monster they want to capture.
  3. Setting up pit, snare, and bodygrip traps on the perimeter of their territory.
  4. Marking the perimeter of their territory with corpses and bones.
  5. Gathering food and drink for the coming winter. 
  6. They're mating. Some of the males are fighting each other for the right to mate specific females.
  7. Cowed into working for a powerful non-dogman entity. The top dogmen are looking for any chance to kill them for this indiscretion.
  8. Celebrating their latest total victory over a group of humans that were a thorn in their side for far too long. Everyone is incredibly drunk off of the looted alcohol.
  9. Preparing a raid on a nearby human settlement. The humans are non the wiser. 
  10. The leader of the pack let their guard down and was killed. Now the next strongest dogmen in the pack are fighting for position of leader.

What happens to the humans captured by Dogmen? (d8)

  1. Butchered for meat. 
  2. Used as shields against arrow fire. 
  3. Fed to captured monsters. 
  4. Thrown into a nursery to be eaten alive by dogmen children. 
  5. Made into clothing, weapons, and traps. 
  6. Forced to fight other captured humans for entertainment. 
  7. Tortured for fun and games. 
  8. A dogman mage-user turns them into monsters.


Author's Note.
Hello and welcome! This is my first post on this blog. I'm going to be using this for to dump monsters I come up, as well as promote my own stuff. As a heads up, posting will probably be sparse. Hope ya like what ya read! 

Very heavily inspired by Warhammer Fantasy's Beastmen. I love those funny goat guys and wanted to make my own version. I just don't like and slightly fear dogs, and wanted to channel that for this monster. 

Hope the way I broke down and organized the specific sections make sense. Tried to keep things as concise as possible and the have the more combat related stuff be upfront.

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