Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Dungeon Stocking Table

Dungeon Stocking Table
2d6, one for room type and one for treasure chance. Special rooms at base will always be detrimental to PCs.

1-2: Empty / 1:6
3: Trap / 2:6
4-5: Monster / 3:6
6: Special / None

Extra Results
6 for treasure for a empty or trap. The treasure is either cursed or fake.

6 for treasure for a monster. The monster is friendly or at least neutral.

6 for treasure for a special room means it's beneficial towards the PC.

Author's Note.
I was working on a stocking a dungeon when I suddenly thought about "Wait, what about cursed treasure?". So I altered the stocking table I use to include the chance to get cursed treasure. And a byproduct was having a chance for special rooms to be beneficial =w=.

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