Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Urn Room (Monster)

One entrance. Archway. Curtain covers the upper half. Connected to a crematorium. No other exits.

A medium sized storage room with some wooden shelves built into the walls. The floor and shelves are covered in clay jars of various sizes, leaving a small area to walk in unobstructed. These jars are filled with the ashes of the deceased. Urn-Man makes his home in one of the larger jars.

Urn-Man, HD2 (8HP), AC12 or 15 while in a jar.
+3 to Attack. Urn throw 1d4 or Ash spirit summon

  • Pale blue humanoid the size of a dog, large head, single leg with bulbous foot. 
  • Ugly throaty cackle, ceramic on ceramic sounds.
  • Wants to fill more urns with corpse ashes.

Can spill urn ashes to summon a spirit (roll d6).
1-2 Soldier HD1 (8HP), AC14, Spear 1d6
3-4 Sargent HD2 (12HP), AC15, Sword 1d8
5-6 Mercenary HD3 (15HP), AC16, Great Sword 1d10

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