Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Map Demon (Cursed Item)

Found in the "foyer" or similar of a dungeon, on the body of adventurer or thief that tried to loot the location. 

The body is rotting and has it's rib cage broken open (destroyed from the outside if inspected), heart missing. 

The map demon is a fake map of the area. Parts are accurate but most of it is inaccurate. Once the PCs look at the map again in confusion there will instead be a message written on it. "Don't look behind you."

If the PC does, they must make a paralyze save, or the demon will attempt to rip out the PC's heart. Dealing 1d8 damage until it's removed from the PC or is destroyed. If it survives (PC dead or alive), it will attempt to fold into a paper airplane and fly away.

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