Wednesday, July 17, 2024



A GloG class I made by using an old set of powers I made for a Psychic TTRPG that fell through. On my way to bringing it back tho through GLoG. So look forward to it.

Power Concept: Computer, Disease
I ♥ YOU MARY conceptualizes as a puppet that floats in the air behind you. It resembles the upper half of a skeleton. Decomposing flesh in the style of dusty circuit boards and wires hang off the bones.

A You got Mail!
B Worm
C Trojan
D Ransomware

A You Got Mail!
If you're sick with a disease you can have your puppet extract it from you in the form of a CD, floppy disk, cartridge, whatever you prefer. You may also extract a virus from a computer using this method. You may insert this disease/virus into another human/computer, and they will suffer the consequences of it.

B Worm
The target of this power becomes the carrier of a computer virus. The virus is airborne, spread via breathing, and will install itself into any computer once the airborne virus makes contact with an exposed port or internal parts. The airborne virus dies within a minute if it doesn't find a host. This stays in the host until their immune system kills the virus, and the target suffers no ill side effects.

The user must have a sample of the virus on their person when this move is used. It's consumed on use.

C Trojan
The user infects a computer with an electronic form of a real disease. The virus attaches itself to a specific executable in the files that the user chooses. Once the executable is activated the virus attempts to infect everyone within close range of the computer. This virus lasts until the executable is used, deleted, or replaced with a clean version.

The user must have a sample of the disease on their person when this move is used. It's consumed on use.

D Ransomware
The target of this power becomes infected with a disease, along with a mental ransom note they can always bring up by thinking about it. If the target doesn't do what the ransom note says they will never be cured of the disease. The symptoms and effects of the disease are constant and at full force. The target can't further spread the disease.

The user must have a sample of the disease on their person when this move is used. It's consumed on use. The target must be able to do the thing stated by the ransom, and cannot be forced to harm or kill itself. 

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