Sunday, March 31, 2024

Toriel Pinup


A pinup that's much more on the simpler side. But been meaning to draw her for a while and very happy how she came out. Drawing her being sexy in more drab-styled underwear was something I quite enjoyed doing. As well giving her more fat on her body.

Pose wise I seem to generally veer towards the profile view when I think of pinup pose. Need to research more poses for future draws. 

Final thing. I manged to do such a bad color job initially that I ended making a massive note for myself in my "Shading Guide Image" to use brighter colors instead of the dull ones. I seem to work much better with them.

RKGK Procrastination Post: Hex crawl Edition

A round up of the previous 3 RKGK I did but was too tired to post the day I finished em here. This will happen again.

It happened before I even posted this post lel. 

Sadly I've lost interest in doing the hex crawl. Ended up doing a bunch of other stuff! Restarted my Call of Cthulhu game I had with another player (reworked the world match the type of world I want to play in). Just generally taking a break from drawing to enjoy doing other stuff. Also it was my birthday recently! Which was fun, first birthday I got spent with the girlfriends. For the first time in a long while I felt truly deeply happy on my birthday.  

Anyways here's the rkgk I've been meaning to post since mid March lel. More creepy mosnters from the swamp hex crawl.

Thursday, March 14, 2024


Lel forgotten that a piece can take longer than a couple hours after doing so many sketches. Regardless very happy how this came out. Big thank ya to my girlfriend who helped with figuring out what to draw!

General concept is that of a neophyte witch being introduced to her patron's minions. 

Was too tired when I originally posted this to further talk about so doing it now! This is probably one of my top fav drawings I've made so far. It just makes me go "Wow... I made this!", lots of pride for it lel. 

Lots of pushing comfort zones with this pic. Mainly framing, pose, and drawing a black character. The last part was a more recent revelation in that I was watching a this vid about black hairstyles in video games and animation. The author also makes points that as an artist you should be able to learn how to draw type 4 hair. So here I am trying to put in that effort (I have drawn black characters before but the gaps between drawing each one is so massive I feel like it doesn't count). The author also made a black hair reference doc! Personally want to draw a character with wicks at some point.

This character's hair was inspired by art done by Nickolas Draper-Ivey. Specifically the girl on the left. The skull shape in her hair is something I thought would be cool for a witch to have. Really I just like skulls as a decal alot. Cartooney skulls are just really fun to draw and incorporate. And so was her hair! Next time I'll do one where most of her hair isn't covered lmao.

Color scheme was hard to work out initially. I don't draw lines with colors in mind, it's something I worry about once lines are done (or mostly done due to wanting some different stimulation after doing lines all day). Ended up going for trippy & nauseating, felt like it matches up with these bizarre otherworldly beings. I left their colors flat to further go with that feel (as well as to help the witch stand out lel).

Also in regard to the pose. I didn't realized I did that famous tits and ass visible from the back pose until I was coloring it. Feels like I did a pinup initiation lel.

Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Helmed Skull


Ended up taking a nap, waking up, and then drawing this cool guy before going back to bed. 

Wanted to go more loose and rough with this one. Really I get a bit jealous whenever I see someone's art and it has that loose and/or rough style to it. A very beautiful and confident attitude exudes from it. 

I covet having that kind of attitude with my art some day. While I do like drawing solo full body pinups/designs of original characters. A big part of me longs to do more. I guess that's still a healthy sign for an artist that even after like 10+ years of drawing there's still more I want to do and learn.

Personally I want to do more interesting poses (even if they come out awkward at first I need to get draw em to get better), experiment with framing/different types of zooms, and be more confident in my own vision. Like this skull guy I drew!

Yorichi Backside Study


Wanted to do another butt/shading study and my girlfriend recc'd that I draw Yoruichi from Bleach. So I did. Quite like how the shading came out for this one in particular.

Monday, March 11, 2024

Nifokal RKGK


A blast from the past with this design. I made it originally back in 2016. General concept was a monster that was born from terrible actions done by sailors towards women. They would wrap their tentacles around the ship, break it in two, and then eat the survivors. But I didn't really stick with that, I just love how they look now.

Below are the two completed pieces that I made of em. The first shows one from the open sea (the little black speck near it's mouth is a human for scale). The second is from a swamp. Much smaller but still quite big, they also have some extra tentacles, bio-luminescence, and a head of hair. 

The second was cropped from cover art I made for a game I ended up abandoning (quite a while ago). I drew it around the frame sadly. So if I got rid of it you would see the messy behind the scene details.



No Hexcrawl monster sketch today. Practice drawing butts instead. And using less lines and more shading to give volume/depth. After realizing I think I'm a outlier who uses too many damn lines lel. Think my favorite part was actually drawing the hair of all things. Quite like the look of it.

Sunday, March 10, 2024

Cloud Jellyfish RKGK


The jellyfish used for reference was a Man o War.

Don't have a full idea of what inspired me for this monster honestly. Might be expressing my general fear of jellyfish and blowing it up to a massive scale. Regardless I quite like it, and the dragon it has in it's grasp.

Saturday, March 9, 2024

Flayer Demon RKGK


Another monster for the hex crawl jam. A Flayer Demon who lives in the manor near the water shore. Was a real ball buster to come up with a design from the name, but ended up with an sick elegant blade look to them.

The wings I based off a flensing knife, a tool used to remove the outer layer of blubber on whales. I also based it off this one design from GANTZ. I don't particularly like the series (makes me too depressed and sick) but I do love seeing the alien designs. One of which was an alien resembling an oni who had very long bone blades coming out of their elbows. Really like how dangerous/weird they looked.

The rest of the body I wanted to have a snobby rich person vibe to em. Which I think I got down with just the head/face lel. Giving it's name as a flayer demon and the various staples seem across it's body it's not too big of a leap to think it's the skin of it's victims stapled onto it's own. Altho I will say that it's skin is pure white, purposely bleached by it.

Friday, March 8, 2024

Dogman RKGK


Gonna be part of a hexcrawl I'm making for a jam on itchio. Mainly focusing on the bestiary that's part of the crawl, pairing each entry with a drawing. Hopefully I don't die before it ends. 

Edit: I did.

Tuesday, March 5, 2024



Attempting to draw in one of my older styles. Was on a Ukiyo-e bent at the time. Also wanted to do a fun/sexy body shape.

Of course I can't not mention Vanillaware here. While Odin Sphere was one of the games that got me interested in drawing, it was Muramasa: The Demon Blade that directly influenced my later drawing style (as well as getting me interested in ukiyo-e). The hard angles, wild proportions, and designs are what really stuck with me from that game.

This oni is directly inspired by Raijin in Muramasa, one of my earliest  fictional character crushes lel.

Friday, March 1, 2024



His weakspot is belly, grope it to stun him (lel)

A quick orc sketch I did the other night. Essentially just wanted to make a cute orc that could switch. Also wanted to practice drawing fat. Also finally made me look up a reference for where the dick base should be lel.