Saturday, March 9, 2024

Flayer Demon RKGK


Another monster for the hex crawl jam. A Flayer Demon who lives in the manor near the water shore. Was a real ball buster to come up with a design from the name, but ended up with an sick elegant blade look to them.

The wings I based off a flensing knife, a tool used to remove the outer layer of blubber on whales. I also based it off this one design from GANTZ. I don't particularly like the series (makes me too depressed and sick) but I do love seeing the alien designs. One of which was an alien resembling an oni who had very long bone blades coming out of their elbows. Really like how dangerous/weird they looked.

The rest of the body I wanted to have a snobby rich person vibe to em. Which I think I got down with just the head/face lel. Giving it's name as a flayer demon and the various staples seem across it's body it's not too big of a leap to think it's the skin of it's victims stapled onto it's own. Altho I will say that it's skin is pure white, purposely bleached by it.

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