Thursday, March 14, 2024


Lel forgotten that a piece can take longer than a couple hours after doing so many sketches. Regardless very happy how this came out. Big thank ya to my girlfriend who helped with figuring out what to draw!

General concept is that of a neophyte witch being introduced to her patron's minions. 

Was too tired when I originally posted this to further talk about so doing it now! This is probably one of my top fav drawings I've made so far. It just makes me go "Wow... I made this!", lots of pride for it lel. 

Lots of pushing comfort zones with this pic. Mainly framing, pose, and drawing a black character. The last part was a more recent revelation in that I was watching a this vid about black hairstyles in video games and animation. The author also makes points that as an artist you should be able to learn how to draw type 4 hair. So here I am trying to put in that effort (I have drawn black characters before but the gaps between drawing each one is so massive I feel like it doesn't count). The author also made a black hair reference doc! Personally want to draw a character with wicks at some point.

This character's hair was inspired by art done by Nickolas Draper-Ivey. Specifically the girl on the left. The skull shape in her hair is something I thought would be cool for a witch to have. Really I just like skulls as a decal alot. Cartooney skulls are just really fun to draw and incorporate. And so was her hair! Next time I'll do one where most of her hair isn't covered lmao.

Color scheme was hard to work out initially. I don't draw lines with colors in mind, it's something I worry about once lines are done (or mostly done due to wanting some different stimulation after doing lines all day). Ended up going for trippy & nauseating, felt like it matches up with these bizarre otherworldly beings. I left their colors flat to further go with that feel (as well as to help the witch stand out lel).

Also in regard to the pose. I didn't realized I did that famous tits and ass visible from the back pose until I was coloring it. Feels like I did a pinup initiation lel.

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