Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Love Letter


If I could upload PDF files I would. But anyways this is something I wrote after suffering irreversible damage after being exposed to Auntie Nyan Nyan in Sucker for Love. 

Think of it like finding an old letter in the attic of your great grandparent's house.

Shalay: Nechronica Doll


A portrait I made for my Nechronica character, Shalay. First time actually doing a portrait in this style and I quite enjoyed it. Made me realize I should probably zoom out to see the whole canvas when drawing lines. Further emulates drawing physically and ekes out some more drawing instincts.

Shalay actually started out as a 5e character (my first real 5e character as I got to play em). She's an utter scumbag originally, but alot more amenable in her Nechronica version. 

Nechronica itself was really fun and intense. Really gave you feelings of hopelessness and going mad as combat goes on. She was half a torso with a jaw and most of her arms by the time combat ended. Incredibly fun customization options as well. So much crazy shit you can put together.

Thursday, April 25, 2024

Acid Gimp

 This was drawn cause I had a nightmare a few days ago. Of it a lady wearing a gimp suit was trying to gas me in my house. Comically it was trying to spray gas through my window, which I just closed. I guess I went outside at some point and she ended up crouching like a creature and spraying me with a weird liquid from a needle.

So I ended up drawing this.

I quite like the body shapes and poses I drew her in. The text is taken from the cut scene the Corroder first shows up in. As seen here. Love that game so much and it's cut scene direction.

Original background photographed by Andrew Kota

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Femboy Angel


Got another one up. Nothing much to say about this, except that the general design was inspired by the angels in Ogre Battle 64. Even made the wings similar to how they rendered their wings (prob at the detriment of the drawing since could've done more correct wings but wanted to follow the whim when I was was drawing it. Was very fun to line with how much movement my arm was making during it lel).

Also gave me more practice in drawing armor in this style.Specifically figuring out a way of shading using just the line work with the batches of black and the white high lights.

Original background photographed by Andre Moura

Sunday, April 21, 2024

Benkei Knight


GFs Idea: I wanted to draw a knight, and they recced I'd should draw one based on Benkei. (Just gonna use this whenever I ask GFs for an idea for a draw).

Been a bit since I drew some armor, but happy enough with how the design came out. Was a pain to come up with a color scheme with so many elements (the weapons), but like the final result.

Original background photographed by Stephen Noulton

Of course given this knight was based on Benkei I had to use a background with a bridge. Really need to start writing stuff down for when I edit photos. Mind coming up blank when trying to get specific stuff I did to previous pics.

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Shirou/Sakura/Medusa: Fun

 And here's the other FSN fanart I wanted to do. I love these three and I always felt like they would end up in some kind of poly relationship. Lel citing A Cherry Blossom's Dream by 7Negative_Creep as an inspo for the piece. Very cute and lovely fanfic~

Came out much faster than the previous one. I started sketching it last night. Getting more used to drawing like this, plus not as many complicated details as the Saber/Rin piece had. Altho did feel like I needed to restart at some point, but I ended up making it work. 

The background element was taken from the CG of shirou's room. Specifically his window. 

Also yes the order of stick figures on the sidebar goes: Medu, Shirou, Sakura.

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Saber/Rin: Food

 Got in the mood to draw some FSN fanart after reading some very nice FSN fan fics made by 7Negative_Creep. Wanted to make some Saber/Rin and asked GFs for idea. They said Saber eating Rin's cooking. The rest is history.

I'm def gonna stick with drawing in this style. It's def really fun and feels very natural to do. I actually lined saber's hand first. I always save that stuff for last! Wild stuff. Also this pic did a stress test for me and actually coloring stuff. Especially since I couldn't shade stuff. Still tho I love how it came out.

Also the main dish was something I ate the day I started drawing this. Was some of the best tasting food I had in a while, so I tried to immortalized the memory. Embellishing it a bit for the sake of the drawing.

Also I specifically made the food and drink not match up perspective wise. I do not care for drawing boring stuff like that and I went and drew em so the viewer can easily see em and that they look appealing enough in the draw. The same can be said about the table and tablecloth. Wanted to just make something look interesting than something that "makes sense".

Also might as well let this little secret out. The side pattern is made of this stick figure drawing of one eating the other out. Used to be more explicit with Rin having a thought ballon with the above image in it. But thought it would be funnier if it was more subtle and it changes the way you read Rin's expression.

I will be more explicit int he future shirou/sakura/medu pic. 

The background honestly was the part that caused the most frustration and took up so much time to do. Just cause I was trying to figure out how to work with the current poses as well as the general color scheme. Ended up taking one of the curtains from the pic below and editing it to how it looks now.

Also ye I did try to give it more a vagina look to it to feed (lmao) into the other sexual elements of the pic. I was thinking of Intelexual Media's vid on the History of Food and Sex while I was drawing this too.

Also ye I found this in an imgur album showing off the pictures used as references for the backgrounds in FSN. Which I had found way back and always thought it was cool~

Friday, April 12, 2024

She/Her Student

And now we have the other part of the pair of students. A very dangerous school they come from lel. Should say I based her off a redcap, not as weird as the frankenstein but I still like her.

Drawing her hands were actually incredibly fun and not painful at all. The way I drew her holding the straight razor I love. Really her whole shape was really fun to draw.

Getting much more in the grove of drawing like this. To the point that I'm having trouble sleeping lel, want to draw so much. Next is some Saber/Rin art since I came across some very nice FSN fan fics made by 7Negative_Creep. Can't wait to see more from them.

 Same background used in this drawing.

He/Him Student

This draw started as another idea from my GFs. I'm very thankful to them whenever I ask em for a drawing idea. Since personally speaking I'm actually terrible at coming up with consequent drawing ideas. It's only really every once and a while. The idea for this was a boy/girl uniform swap, and I made a weird twist of making him a frankenstein. Lel I'm currently working on the second pic staring the girl.

I had a change of mindset as I was drawing him. Specifically when I did the lineart. Instead of going for the normal single stroke lines, I used the same movements I do when drawing physically. Drawing multiple small lines, going back forth on a specific section. Gave it a nice scratchy texture I enjoy. Reducing the amount of times I use Crtl+Z and letting a line just be. It felt really damn fun! I'm going to keep doing this to see if I really really do enjoy it, since I have been wrong previously on doing an art style change. 

Also as I was drawing him I remembered an old old draw I made, one of my first digital pieces. Also a frankenstein, altho she was lady. Blue and green color scheme, a headband with two massive bolts pinning it to her head. Large overcoat, might have leg braces. I'll sad that it took until drawing this piece that I finally remembered it. Makes me wonder how many other drawings I forgot.

Original background photographed by birkaybolushikayesi

Wednesday, April 10, 2024


More experimentation! This time trying to do some more cartooney and drawing less lines. Really it's me trying to reorient myself with how I want to draw, that being drawing in a way that I feel is fun (as well as drawing stuff I enjoy). Already working on next draw and I feel like I might have found something to keep at and see.

GFs gave me the idea to draw luigi since I had no real idea what to draw. So had to draw him in the context of my one of my fav childhood games, Luigi's Mansion 1. Will always be sad that the future games never got the same vibe as the first one did. Actually trying to spooky than blunting it's edge.

Taken by Julia Volk

Monday, April 8, 2024

Lasombra Vamp


Another vamp fresh off the press. This time a Lasombra. I don't have that much of a detailed backstory for his creation.He ended up being more of a practice of more wild/cool character design. I quite like how he came out alot.

He was originally going to have a fishnet shirt but I didn't want to draw fishnets and I couldn't find a nice looking pattern brush to draw it on him. So I ended up going for a ripped out shirt. Added some nice framing for his tattoos and body.

The shirt also lead me to using alot of pitch black in the color scheme. I'll be using it more in my bright color experiments, as nothing makes colors brighter/stand out than black. From there I got the idea to make his color scheme have RGB as a general theme. I thought it would be fun (in an ironic sense) to do considering he's a lasombra (who if you don't know are able to control shadows).

Taken by Francesco Paggiaro

Once again doing a Tsukihime inspired edit of the original background photo. Quite like the stark white lights to contrast with the blues. A very bright moonlit night.

Saturday, April 6, 2024

Malkavian Gas Station Worker


Getting on a Vampire the Masquerade kick again. Remembered I got some v5 books and got back to reading (also bought a couple more books). Might even try my hand at running a vampire game. 

Anyways wanted to draw vamp. GFs recommended a gas station worker. Took a bit to thinking to what clan they would part of course. Ended up gravitating towards malkavian, felt very fitting. Also probably bias due to me loving those guy (was the clan I played in VTMB).

Iirc I think I went into this, before picking a clan or using the gas station worker idea, wanting to make a cute fat punk guy. Don't feel like we see that many fat vampires, let alone fat vampires that look more on the cute side.

Also I ended up trying to make him as an actual character in V5. General concept for him was "Dead-End Part-Timer". Streetwise kid who's been living paycheck to paycheck. Probably one of the more interesting choices I made for him is that he's the "Siren" predator type. Vamps that use the promise of sex (or just plain having actual sex) to seduce and then feed on people. Felt it was some nice imagery given that he's a gas station worker, and love that he doesn't fit the typical image of a seductress vampire. Also me thinking it's pretty hot. Have lots of personal vampire sexual fantasies lel.

Doing more experimenting with brighter colors. My GFs recc I do a hazard orange. Which I ended up quite liking. It also makes it funnier if he uses obfuscate. Vamp with the brightest possible clothing suddenly appearing or just being ignored.

The eyes being colored like that was directly inspired by Cromwaits. He drew a handful of vampires for their VTM game (who of which I love quite alot). Thought it was a real cool design touch. The red and blue are my own personally touch, thought it was fitting for him being a malk and all.

Also here's the background images. I would put a credit to whoever took the photograph, but couldn't seem to find it. If you know tell me so I can add it. I was planning to use another stock photo, but GFs came in again for the save and brought me HELL.

Got me to use GIMP again to mess around and edit the photo. I don't really have any idea of what I'm doing. I'm mainly messing around with filters and color options until I get something I like. There was a bit of direction tho, and that being trying to make it look like something that would be in Tsukihime. Very ethereal. Which I think I did well on. 

Probably gonna stick to doing art with edited stock photo backgrounds. Personally a massive sucker for mixed media art like that. Plus saves me alot of time and hassle. Already got a background ready for the next pic. More vamps, just unsure what clan.