Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Saber/Rin: Food

 Got in the mood to draw some FSN fanart after reading some very nice FSN fan fics made by 7Negative_Creep. Wanted to make some Saber/Rin and asked GFs for idea. They said Saber eating Rin's cooking. The rest is history.

I'm def gonna stick with drawing in this style. It's def really fun and feels very natural to do. I actually lined saber's hand first. I always save that stuff for last! Wild stuff. Also this pic did a stress test for me and actually coloring stuff. Especially since I couldn't shade stuff. Still tho I love how it came out.

Also the main dish was something I ate the day I started drawing this. Was some of the best tasting food I had in a while, so I tried to immortalized the memory. Embellishing it a bit for the sake of the drawing.

Also I specifically made the food and drink not match up perspective wise. I do not care for drawing boring stuff like that and I went and drew em so the viewer can easily see em and that they look appealing enough in the draw. The same can be said about the table and tablecloth. Wanted to just make something look interesting than something that "makes sense".

Also might as well let this little secret out. The side pattern is made of this stick figure drawing of one eating the other out. Used to be more explicit with Rin having a thought ballon with the above image in it. But thought it would be funnier if it was more subtle and it changes the way you read Rin's expression.

I will be more explicit int he future shirou/sakura/medu pic. 

The background honestly was the part that caused the most frustration and took up so much time to do. Just cause I was trying to figure out how to work with the current poses as well as the general color scheme. Ended up taking one of the curtains from the pic below and editing it to how it looks now.

Also ye I did try to give it more a vagina look to it to feed (lmao) into the other sexual elements of the pic. I was thinking of Intelexual Media's vid on the History of Food and Sex while I was drawing this too.

Also ye I found this in an imgur album showing off the pictures used as references for the backgrounds in FSN. Which I had found way back and always thought it was cool~

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