Friday, April 12, 2024

He/Him Student

This draw started as another idea from my GFs. I'm very thankful to them whenever I ask em for a drawing idea. Since personally speaking I'm actually terrible at coming up with consequent drawing ideas. It's only really every once and a while. The idea for this was a boy/girl uniform swap, and I made a weird twist of making him a frankenstein. Lel I'm currently working on the second pic staring the girl.

I had a change of mindset as I was drawing him. Specifically when I did the lineart. Instead of going for the normal single stroke lines, I used the same movements I do when drawing physically. Drawing multiple small lines, going back forth on a specific section. Gave it a nice scratchy texture I enjoy. Reducing the amount of times I use Crtl+Z and letting a line just be. It felt really damn fun! I'm going to keep doing this to see if I really really do enjoy it, since I have been wrong previously on doing an art style change. 

Also as I was drawing him I remembered an old old draw I made, one of my first digital pieces. Also a frankenstein, altho she was lady. Blue and green color scheme, a headband with two massive bolts pinning it to her head. Large overcoat, might have leg braces. I'll sad that it took until drawing this piece that I finally remembered it. Makes me wonder how many other drawings I forgot.

Original background photographed by birkaybolushikayesi

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