Saturday, April 6, 2024

Malkavian Gas Station Worker


Getting on a Vampire the Masquerade kick again. Remembered I got some v5 books and got back to reading (also bought a couple more books). Might even try my hand at running a vampire game. 

Anyways wanted to draw vamp. GFs recommended a gas station worker. Took a bit to thinking to what clan they would part of course. Ended up gravitating towards malkavian, felt very fitting. Also probably bias due to me loving those guy (was the clan I played in VTMB).

Iirc I think I went into this, before picking a clan or using the gas station worker idea, wanting to make a cute fat punk guy. Don't feel like we see that many fat vampires, let alone fat vampires that look more on the cute side.

Also I ended up trying to make him as an actual character in V5. General concept for him was "Dead-End Part-Timer". Streetwise kid who's been living paycheck to paycheck. Probably one of the more interesting choices I made for him is that he's the "Siren" predator type. Vamps that use the promise of sex (or just plain having actual sex) to seduce and then feed on people. Felt it was some nice imagery given that he's a gas station worker, and love that he doesn't fit the typical image of a seductress vampire. Also me thinking it's pretty hot. Have lots of personal vampire sexual fantasies lel.

Doing more experimenting with brighter colors. My GFs recc I do a hazard orange. Which I ended up quite liking. It also makes it funnier if he uses obfuscate. Vamp with the brightest possible clothing suddenly appearing or just being ignored.

The eyes being colored like that was directly inspired by Cromwaits. He drew a handful of vampires for their VTM game (who of which I love quite alot). Thought it was a real cool design touch. The red and blue are my own personally touch, thought it was fitting for him being a malk and all.

Also here's the background images. I would put a credit to whoever took the photograph, but couldn't seem to find it. If you know tell me so I can add it. I was planning to use another stock photo, but GFs came in again for the save and brought me HELL.

Got me to use GIMP again to mess around and edit the photo. I don't really have any idea of what I'm doing. I'm mainly messing around with filters and color options until I get something I like. There was a bit of direction tho, and that being trying to make it look like something that would be in Tsukihime. Very ethereal. Which I think I did well on. 

Probably gonna stick to doing art with edited stock photo backgrounds. Personally a massive sucker for mixed media art like that. Plus saves me alot of time and hassle. Already got a background ready for the next pic. More vamps, just unsure what clan.

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