Monday, May 27, 2024

Helstalt: Release!


You can find it here!

Made a zine! A very small bestiary of demons and souls of the damned that flood the city of Yerrick.

NSFW warning for nudity, body horror, and some gore.

Sunday, May 26, 2024

Damned: Emperor Yerrick The False


GFs Prompt: a pretender lord, leeching blood from the powerless, trodding upon corpses like stairs

Last big piece for the zine! Just need to some smaller stuff and write up this guy's section and I'll be ready to publish!

Probably my favorite design in the zine. I would be lying if I said bloodborne's Queen Yharnam and the Draco Meta-Morphs in Tower Dungeon weren't an influence. Monstrous Inhuman nobles are a trope I quite like.

Also got to make little freaky dudes, which is always fun. This time they're part of a flesh cape! 

Friday, May 24, 2024

Simple Android 18


Lel as title states. On a training arc to get better at internalizing anatomy, wanted to practice by drawing android 18. Lel sucker for her since I was a kid.

Thursday, May 23, 2024

Demon: Black Sea Mirror


GFs Prompt: insatiable, otherworldly hunger. all consuming void

And the second demon to show up in the zine. Based on the amphisbaena. Also yes that is the black hole picture that was taken recently. Probably my favorite monster mechanically in the zine.

Demon: Golden Quicksilver

GFs Prompt: whisperer of paranoia, there are enemies everywhere

Getting into one of the two demons that will appear in the zine. Lel I would say more but would be repeating what I wrote in the zine. 

Will say tho that it's based on an older piece I made. Shown below.

Also laughing at a friend's observation, calling it a "biblically accurate piranha plant".

Saturday, May 18, 2024

Damned: General Thomathan "Deaf-Head" Hane


GFs Prompt:  xenophobia clad in armor, ransacking lands deemed savage, spurred by hate for those deemed lesser

Decided to get work on a zine after getting some push to do so from a discord server I'm in and from my GFs. Going to involve the hell stallion from a couple of posts ago. Essentially a small bestiary (just gonna list 4 since i want to actually finish a zine lel) of demons and souls damned to hell. Setting is a city called Yerrick, and everyone once and a while the Helstalt breaks out of hell flies across the sky. Of course the prisoners of hell Demons and Souls Damned to it escape and reek havoc on the city. At least until the Devils can bring them back. 

And this guy is one of the two big Damned characters. General Thomathan "Deaf-Head" Hane. I thought of what kind of nickname this guy would have in life. Thought about raw head or bloody bones for a bit, before hitting on Deaf-Head. A play on his ear trophies and his brutal nature.

Lel I feel most people don't really think a mail set is considered armored. At least fantasy wise. It's always plates I feel. But it works for me here and I like how it looks. Plus gave me more practice drawing it.

Also was an experiment in coloring a mostly red character. Dipped into the dark browns here and there but still red in my book. Happy how it came out, very reflective of him.

Also the phrase on his blade was something inspired by youtube comments. Mainly shit I was forced to see by the youtube app. Got so tired of it I ended up uninstalling it a couple of days ago. Figured it would exactly be the kind of thing written by a loser/monster who landed hell. 

Also I think I will make the melted shackles a motif for the damned. No escaping from the weight of your deeds and such.

Friday, May 17, 2024

Monsters & Traps

Been a while since I did this. Have gotten too busy falling back in love with drawing lel. Don't think I'll be doing the same thing I did with the previous monster entries. Too much work and the novelty ran out for me =w=. So I'll just write em out. 

Flies the size of a small dog with a globular abdomen filled with C4. Once it gets close it explodes, igniting the C4 via an agent in their thorax.

A pit of aerated water with something shiny at the bottom of it. People are less buoyant than the water so they'll sink if they dive in.

A treasure plugging up a geyser that will burst open once it's pulled out. 

Brittle transparent fungi that when step on release a cloud of glass dust in the air. Shredding unprotected eyes and your throat and lungs if you breath it in.

Treasure in the form of an offering to a god. Taking it will cause the thief to suffer from terrible luck until they've gotten rid of it.

Humanoid goat monsters able to balance and climb on the smallest ledges. Armed with bows. Attack in vertical rooms where adventurers are preoccupied with trying to get up.

A little bastard monster that throws pots full of shit at you. Makes you more detectable. Ruin exposed food stuffs and scrolls. Put out fires. Make you unable to keep anything you feed yourself down afterwards if your hands or utensils gets covered in it. Tell me. How many sources of clean water without some kind of catch will there be in the dungeon? Are you willing to use your limited water rations to clean yourselves? Hope you brought soap.

A stone arm that forms out of the walls. Stops adventurers from going through specific doors unless they pay a toll.

Bog of viscous sticky oil.

Thursday, May 16, 2024

Bottom Heavy


OG background photographed by Ron Lach

Recently asked artists friends for some anatomy tips since I was having trouble drawing it without constant reference (and even then didn't come out too good). Got pointed to a handful (Torso, Legs, Arms) of tutorials by Jazza which really helped me out immensely. Going to try and do a study every week or so until I can do it without it. As well apply it to my drawings to further push my understanding along.

Which I did for this piece, and it went really smoothly. Did end up reference the study I did a few times, but hopefully I'll have this cemented in my mind soon enough that I won't have to. The body type was mainly inspired by the main girl in this doujin by Jun (or the circle ROJIURA JACK). Massive fan of their work for a long while. Love how soft, rounded, and meaty their characters look.

Also ended up making some extra version since couldn't pick which color scheme I liked best.

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Hell Stallion


GFs Prompt: Hell Stallion

I'm personally a big fan of making demons or devils look just bizarre.  Hieronymus Bosch type shit. Plus a bit of Mari Lwyd and other cool and freaky folk monsters.

Had a bit of trouble coming up with colors at first. Was still trying to go for the bright flat colors at the time. But then I had a realization that I didn't need to do that. The need to have everything colors like that was the skeleton of my previous artistic process hiding away and still influencing me. Did away with that and ended up coming up inverting it. White lines with black solids on a red background. Feels very fitting for the type of monster it is.

So yeah fuck it I will color anything the hell I want and call it a finished piece if I feel like it's a finished piece. Trying to go all one size fits all with coloring is just gonna negatively restrain me. So I'll color the image on it's terms.

Thursday, May 9, 2024

Fresno Nightcrawlers


GFs Prompt: Fresno Nightcrawlers

Lel it's what it says on the tin. Both me and the GFs love these little guys. Was initially baffled as to how to draw em due to how little detail they have. But decided to take some liberties and make a neat looking creature.

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Leech Orangutan

 GFs Prompt: A mix of two animals.

And as the title says I picked a leech and Orangutan. I kinda felt that apes aren't really the subject of chimeras that often. So thought it would be neat to do so. Looking em up they are both very funny looking and scary. Also I had no idea leeches had eyes until this piece.

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Weird Librarian


GFs Idea: Sexy Librarian

Well after a couple of failed attempts, I made a librarian that is sexy to at least me lmao. Very much in the eldritch mood, so hopefully should be able to do more spooky stuff soon.

Very much enjoy how I did the background with this. Lovely shade of yellow with the white circles representing candle light. Inspired by the shadow monster that shows up during Auntie Nyan Nyan's chapter. Especially with the eyes on one of the twin tail ends.

Saturday, May 4, 2024

Auntie Nyan Nyan 2


OG background photographed by Arnie Chou

Another Auntie Nyan Nyan x D pic. Her going a bit overboard on D and licking his wounds so he doesn't die too soon. Her own form of being dere (at least in my delusions since seeing dev confirmation that she just hates MC/humans TwT. But I'll indulge in my delusions while trying not to warp her too much).

Forgot how fun it was to draw blood and guts lmao. Especially happy with how it looks on Auntie's boobs. Also happy I get so show how big she is normally (unlike last pic which was me playing with size for fun/cuteness).

Thursday, May 2, 2024

Auntie Nyan Nyan


OG background photographed by Robert Gruszecki

Auntie Nyan Nyan has done irreversible damage to me. As well as Sucker for Love in general. Go play it and the sequel that just came out! 

I love her voice, her personality, her look ahhhhhhhhh. I haven't felt this way for a character in a long long long time. I'll see about doing more art of her in the future. Probably some tsundere type stuff. I get that feeling from her. Prob a pic of her raking D's back then licking the wounds with face hole tentacles.

Also yeah that love letter I wrote on the previous post was fueled by Nyan Nyan lust. Also making me rethink what can and can't be lovecraftian horror. Really just making me loosen up. Especially with the horrors being able to talk to humans. Hell I loved Saya no Uta for a long time (one of my favorite VNs) and I still thought that the eldritch shouldn't really talk. 

Some half-baked notion of "It would make it less horrific" without really thinking on it. Annoying blanket statement type stuff. Anyways random rant over. Go play Sucker for Love!