Thursday, May 16, 2024

Bottom Heavy


OG background photographed by Ron Lach

Recently asked artists friends for some anatomy tips since I was having trouble drawing it without constant reference (and even then didn't come out too good). Got pointed to a handful (Torso, Legs, Arms) of tutorials by Jazza which really helped me out immensely. Going to try and do a study every week or so until I can do it without it. As well apply it to my drawings to further push my understanding along.

Which I did for this piece, and it went really smoothly. Did end up reference the study I did a few times, but hopefully I'll have this cemented in my mind soon enough that I won't have to. The body type was mainly inspired by the main girl in this doujin by Jun (or the circle ROJIURA JACK). Massive fan of their work for a long while. Love how soft, rounded, and meaty their characters look.

Also ended up making some extra version since couldn't pick which color scheme I liked best.

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