Thursday, May 2, 2024

Auntie Nyan Nyan


OG background photographed by Robert Gruszecki

Auntie Nyan Nyan has done irreversible damage to me. As well as Sucker for Love in general. Go play it and the sequel that just came out! 

I love her voice, her personality, her look ahhhhhhhhh. I haven't felt this way for a character in a long long long time. I'll see about doing more art of her in the future. Probably some tsundere type stuff. I get that feeling from her. Prob a pic of her raking D's back then licking the wounds with face hole tentacles.

Also yeah that love letter I wrote on the previous post was fueled by Nyan Nyan lust. Also making me rethink what can and can't be lovecraftian horror. Really just making me loosen up. Especially with the horrors being able to talk to humans. Hell I loved Saya no Uta for a long time (one of my favorite VNs) and I still thought that the eldritch shouldn't really talk. 

Some half-baked notion of "It would make it less horrific" without really thinking on it. Annoying blanket statement type stuff. Anyways random rant over. Go play Sucker for Love! 

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