Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Hell Stallion


GFs Prompt: Hell Stallion

I'm personally a big fan of making demons or devils look just bizarre.  Hieronymus Bosch type shit. Plus a bit of Mari Lwyd and other cool and freaky folk monsters.

Had a bit of trouble coming up with colors at first. Was still trying to go for the bright flat colors at the time. But then I had a realization that I didn't need to do that. The need to have everything colors like that was the skeleton of my previous artistic process hiding away and still influencing me. Did away with that and ended up coming up inverting it. White lines with black solids on a red background. Feels very fitting for the type of monster it is.

So yeah fuck it I will color anything the hell I want and call it a finished piece if I feel like it's a finished piece. Trying to go all one size fits all with coloring is just gonna negatively restrain me. So I'll color the image on it's terms.

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