Saturday, May 18, 2024

Damned: General Thomathan "Deaf-Head" Hane


GFs Prompt:  xenophobia clad in armor, ransacking lands deemed savage, spurred by hate for those deemed lesser

Decided to get work on a zine after getting some push to do so from a discord server I'm in and from my GFs. Going to involve the hell stallion from a couple of posts ago. Essentially a small bestiary (just gonna list 4 since i want to actually finish a zine lel) of demons and souls damned to hell. Setting is a city called Yerrick, and everyone once and a while the Helstalt breaks out of hell flies across the sky. Of course the prisoners of hell Demons and Souls Damned to it escape and reek havoc on the city. At least until the Devils can bring them back. 

And this guy is one of the two big Damned characters. General Thomathan "Deaf-Head" Hane. I thought of what kind of nickname this guy would have in life. Thought about raw head or bloody bones for a bit, before hitting on Deaf-Head. A play on his ear trophies and his brutal nature.

Lel I feel most people don't really think a mail set is considered armored. At least fantasy wise. It's always plates I feel. But it works for me here and I like how it looks. Plus gave me more practice drawing it.

Also was an experiment in coloring a mostly red character. Dipped into the dark browns here and there but still red in my book. Happy how it came out, very reflective of him.

Also the phrase on his blade was something inspired by youtube comments. Mainly shit I was forced to see by the youtube app. Got so tired of it I ended up uninstalling it a couple of days ago. Figured it would exactly be the kind of thing written by a loser/monster who landed hell. 

Also I think I will make the melted shackles a motif for the damned. No escaping from the weight of your deeds and such.

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