Friday, May 17, 2024

Monsters & Traps

Been a while since I did this. Have gotten too busy falling back in love with drawing lel. Don't think I'll be doing the same thing I did with the previous monster entries. Too much work and the novelty ran out for me =w=. So I'll just write em out. 

Flies the size of a small dog with a globular abdomen filled with C4. Once it gets close it explodes, igniting the C4 via an agent in their thorax.

A pit of aerated water with something shiny at the bottom of it. People are less buoyant than the water so they'll sink if they dive in.

A treasure plugging up a geyser that will burst open once it's pulled out. 

Brittle transparent fungi that when step on release a cloud of glass dust in the air. Shredding unprotected eyes and your throat and lungs if you breath it in.

Treasure in the form of an offering to a god. Taking it will cause the thief to suffer from terrible luck until they've gotten rid of it.

Humanoid goat monsters able to balance and climb on the smallest ledges. Armed with bows. Attack in vertical rooms where adventurers are preoccupied with trying to get up.

A little bastard monster that throws pots full of shit at you. Makes you more detectable. Ruin exposed food stuffs and scrolls. Put out fires. Make you unable to keep anything you feed yourself down afterwards if your hands or utensils gets covered in it. Tell me. How many sources of clean water without some kind of catch will there be in the dungeon? Are you willing to use your limited water rations to clean yourselves? Hope you brought soap.

A stone arm that forms out of the walls. Stops adventurers from going through specific doors unless they pay a toll.

Bog of viscous sticky oil.

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