Monday, September 9, 2024

WHF Araby 2

 A sequel to this post. Adding some more flavor to the region. Also made some edits to previous posts. Changed religious fundamentalists to extremists since it felt like it made more sense. Added a new section called Araby & Skaven. Also added two new scriptures.

- All beings have the right to Junoqim's love, not just humans.
- Those that take Junoqim's name in vain must be punished, if they keep doing it they must be killed.

But now onto the new additions.

The Magus.
Araby Magic Users. Meant to be civil servants or soldiers. Humans with magical ability whose bodies have been surgically altered and rebuilt in a metal body. Dawi runes ingrained on the insides of the body to stabilize the Magus and help them with casting spells. The brain is exposed and stakes are pushed into it. These stakes are the spells the magus will learn and cast solidified in physical form. 

The typical amount of stakes a Magus can have installed is typically 3. The chance of brain death and just death exponentially increases with each additional stake. Exceptions exist of course. Arash the Rainbow, was a war magus that was able to implant 8 stakes into her brain. Each one correlating with a different wind of magic.

This process of course is not for the light of heart. Even with Araby's advanced knowledge and technology, there's still a chance of the magus dying or becoming brain dead. Most Magus ended becoming much more colder, pragmatic, and calculating after a successful process. The best case scenario is a Magus' personality being completely unaffected, but that's incredibly rare.  

Araby War Machines. 

  • Striders. Small single seat horse-like scouting vehicle with long stick like legs. Can add attachments to “feet” to better traverse specific areas.
  • Roc. Single or double seated metal fixed wing propeller air planes. Bird Motif. Single seat usually meant for scouting and light skirmishes with aerial foes. Double seated are more equipped for elongated engagements as they have a dedicated gunner/bomb dropper. 
  • Behemoth. A massive crewed weapon platform in the shape of an elephant. Focuses on ranged weapons, cannons, and artillery. The trunk typically houses a flamethrower or a massive saw. 
  • Lepoard. A four legged crewed mech made in the shape of a lion. Very long and durable front claws and a steel whip tail. Meant for melee engagements. 
  • Jerboa. A quick single seated two legged mech. Meant for scouting rough terrain. Armed with a volley grenade launcher. 
  • Nephilim. A gigantic crewed mech in the shape of a human. Armed with thick armor and strong melee weapons. 
  • Ifrit. A four legged crewed weapon platform that can traverse all kinds of rough terrain. Built to house cannons or artillery.

Junoqim and Undeath
Strangely Worshipers of Junoqim are immune to undeath. Their corpses are unable to turned into zombies or skeletons, and they leave behind no ghost. They also can't be turned into vampires. Vampires that try to feed on Junoqim worshipers realize their blood becomes like acid to the vampire.

Some especially pious worshipers naturally cause the undead to shirk away or even become exorcised of their master's control altogether.  

Non-human inhabitants of Araby. Resembling humanoids with weird skin colors and animalistic features. They are made of smoke, physically powerful, shapeshifters (animal, human, or jinn form), can become invisible, naturally magical, and can possess living beings. 

Before Junoqim, these Jinn in tribes both in the mountains and the great desert of Araby. Worshiped as gods by the humans in the region, in exchange for protection, magical blessings, and to send misfortune to people they didn't like. This change once the slave trade picked up. The Jinn then were seen as exotic servants/pets to be sold as a very high price. After this turnabout the jinn split into two groups. Those that rescinded and hid away from humanity. And those that swore to exterminate humans from the face of the earth for this treachery, these Jinn call themselves Shaitan.

Nowadays most Jinn live in the mountains and the republic of Araby itself. While Shaitan live in the grand desert, waging a guerrilla war on the republic. They joined Cyrus' rebellion after he had did three things. The first, setting free any enslaved Jinn and seeing to their safe return home. The second, successfully string a Jinn Greatbow as a test of character (completely unheard of for a human to be able to do so, the bow was gifted to him afterwards). The third, shared the love of Junoqim with the Jinn, so that they can join in worship.

Those born of Jinn and Human parents and have features from both of their parents are called Jinni. Normal humans and Jinn can also be born from this coupling.

Saturday, September 7, 2024

WHF Araby

Hello this is an attempt for a big fan overhaul of Araby lore. Just cause I felt it's annoying that only a few of the human civilizations aren't fleshed out/actually interesting. I guess also learning about Sultan Jaffar broke me and made me want to do this. I eventually want to do the same with Estalia and Tilea.

This I feel is the bare bones enough to get across the general idea. I'll probably add some more to it in future posts. 

What is Araby?
Araby a name for the geographic location. A massive peninsula south west of the empire and south east of Ulthuan. Broken up into three regions, the western coast, the great desert of Araby, and the mountain range that separates the previous two regions. Home to mainly humans. 

Araby in the Past.
A coastline of disparate states, home to merchant dynasties, god-kings, sorcerer kings, warlords, and pirate kings. Massive inequity between the classes of people, despite it holding some of the highest concentration of wealth in the old world. Slavery was practiced by most of the states. Most of the elites were some of the most learned humans in the world due to the of the Lashiek Library & Academy. One of the most prestigious houses of learning in the human world (both back then and now). Home to some of the deadliest pirates to have ever live. To the point that there were high elf plans to eradicate the area and play king maker with the state that held the high elves interest in high regard. 

The Cyrus Slave Revolt AKA The Junoqim Revolution.
However their plans were partially fulfilled when a slave revolution overthrew it's state, and declare war on the rest of the Araby coast. The high elves pitching it with assistance once they saw that this revolution might have a chance. 

The revolution was headed by, Cyrus, an ex-slave. Who while suffering in an oubliette, calling out for just the smallest bit of comfort before his death, he was visited by a god. A being of innumerable arms and infinite love embraced him. It told him he can come with it, but Cyrus refused. Having felt the happiness a person could attain while alive made him want to live and give the opportunity to others to feel it too. He asked god it's name so that he can ride in it's name. It answered Junoqim, and then engraved it's name onto Cyrus three times. One on his forehead, one over his heart, and one over his belly button. A sign of protection and luck on his journey. 

After rallying both the citizenry and elites, he would eventually succeed and fully conquer the Araby coast. After years of diplomatic and administrative work stabilizing the realm, turning it into a republic, and making worship of Junoqim the state religion, Cyrus finally and suddenly died. The flesh of his body turning to dust, leaving behind his bones which had hand prints burned into them. And whenever his bones would touch dead and infertile land and water it would be purified.

The day of his death is national holiday for the Republic of Araby.

Araby is broken up into multiple population centers, each center votes and elects a person to represent them into government. Along with governing the center they belong to, they vote on laws, bring up issues in their providence hoping for help from the government, determine budgets, etc.

They also have the responsibility of endorsing a citizen of the republic to be Cyrus when the current Cyrus dies. The Cyrus is the head of state. Their job is to propagate specific laws, act as commander of the army in times of war, and communicate with other political bodies. 

After all the possible Cyrus are endorsed the House of Elders, a group made up of the highest ranks of judges, military leaders, civil servants, and diplomats, would vote on who would become the Cyrus. The winner becomes the Cyrus, taking the position for life. 

Junoqim will only show their miracles and powers in times of great peril, pain, and uncertainty. No chance of calling it's wrath. Junoqim being all powerful is called upon for all of their worshiper's woes. 


  • Abolish slavery and free slaves whenever you can. Any slave who set's foot on Junoqim land is automatically freed.
  • Kill slavers and slave holders. Do not be fooled by those that dress up the word slave in more politer terms such as “serf” or “indentured servant”. 
  • Work towards making the world a place where anybody can experience happiness in their life. Thwart those that would only bring pain and misery to others.
  • If accused of a crime, the accused is always to be considered innocent unless proven guilty. 
  • Punishment must never include the interment or imprisonment of the guilty. Imprisonment must only be used to keep the guilty in place so punishment can be applied. 
  • All beings have the right to Junoqim's love, not just humans.
  • Do not forcibly convert others to worship Junoqim, they must worship it of their own free will. 
  • Those that take Junoqim's name in vain must be punished, if they keep doing it they must be killed.
  • Worshipers of other religions should be tolerated to live in Junoqim's land if they follow the rules below. Otherwise they are to be deported. 
    • You must pay higher taxes. 
    • You cannot marry or have children with a worshiper of Junoqim. 
    • You are barred from becoming a governmental representative, The Cyrus, a judge, a civil servant, a military officer, or a diplomat.

Araby in the Present.
The republic of Araby is a mighty nation, the republic is also a very sick and injured nation. One of the most technologically advanced human nations in the world, but held back by intense corruption and an oppressed population. Causing a rise in organized crime, piracy, religious fundamentalism, and political radicalization. Civil war lingers in the air... 

Outside Threats & Rivals
Tomb Kings trying to expand into and conquer Araby. The great Araby desert being a constant battleground. The Araby military and air force must constantly rip out any roots laid by the undead who can withstand the harsh environment. 

Since the birth of the republic, a rivalry formed with Estalia and Tilea. Caused by various trade wars, navy skirmishes, and two failed invasions of Araby. The most recent incident that has primed the populace is the attempted theft of the Original Cyrus' bones by Estalia and Tilea mercenaries. The government being silent on any attempt for reparations for this affront.

The odd greenskin warband or (Junoqim forbid) a waagh spilling over from the badlands. Dark elves slavers, pirates, vampire pirates… anything in a boat that hates us and/or wants to steal from us. Sometimes we even get greenskins in boats. Terrifying sight. 

Corrupt Government.
The current Cyrus is an incompetent figurehead. Certain seats are essentially the property of a single powerful family that live in the population center they represent. The open secret of wealthy citizens and non-citizens being able to bribe their way into passing laws that play into their favor. The house of elders is a hive of corruption, nepotism, and incompetency. The few seat-holders that are trying to fix things are held back at every turn. There are even a few seat-holders that think it would be best for the citizens to vote on everything rather than electing representatives. 

Wealth gap between the richest and poorest have regressed to the time before Cyrus founded the republic. Government welfare has dried up in order to fatten the pockets of the “elites”. Citizens are getting desperate and angry at their government. 

Leading to a rise of organized crime and piracy so that people can make ends meet. As well as political radicalization of the populace. Law enforcers overplaying the "crimes" done by citizens that protest and critique the government in order to inflict harsher punishment directly linked to an uptick of radicalization.

Fundamentalist Rise.
People turning to religious fundamentalists to help save their land from corrupting influences. The group lead by a man who calls himself the Child of Junoqim, Cyrus the Second. Said fundies plan to save Araby by turning it into a conservative hellscape of religious intolerance, martial law to “cleanse” the land of parasites, and cut back on rights that gave people too much freedom and lead to the situation in the first place. Like giving independence to women from men, allowing Dawi to infest our beautiful mountains and land with their infernal machinery, and not castrating the slaanemites who think love between the same sex is natural. 

As they gain more power, there have been reports of certain members of these “fundamentalists” coverting with mysterious figures. The symbols of Junoqim's arms being twisted and changed to include new symbols. Which certain people have recognized as symbols of Khorne and Slaanesh. The darkest news is that the so-called “Child of Junoqim” has personally summoned deamons who masquerade as his aids.  

Dawi Influence.
The mountain range of Araby is now home to many newly made Dawi holds. In the past a Cyrus wanted to invite Dawi over to live in the mountains and build holds so that they could help Araby manufacture better guns. This ended up calling in a lot of the more eccentric Dawi, younger and more forward thinking ones who wanted to strike out on their own. And through this cooperation it caused a sharing of ideas, technology, and skills that helped both parties. 

Some of the more specific knock on effects of this are:

  • Araby becoming one of the biggest high quality producers and exporter of firearms in the world.
  • The popularization of gun melee weapon hybirds and other experimental weapons. The gun sword being one of their most iconic weapons.
  • A massive railway network stretching from one side of Araby to other. Smaller train networks within cities for transportation.
  • Heavy dawi influence in architecture due to them being required for any construction project. Aesthetically it's mix of araby styles with dawi flairs. 
  • “Tamed Lightning” which allows them to create light without fire and keep cities lit at night.

Dawi aren't subject to the higher taxation rate that non-worshipers of Junoqim are, in order to further attract them to Araby. While a good amount have actually converted to worshiping the Junoqim, there's still a handful set in their religious ways. This had lead to long time friction with extremely devout Junoqim worshipers. 

Learning & Magic.
The Lashiek Library & Academy has remained the top house of learning since the olden days. Seemingly unmatched in the sciences, medicine, humanities, and of course magic. Even after a few fires and attempts to destroy it's vast store of knowledge for the sake of political agendas. Both of those has lead it to branch out and create other libraries throughout araby, as well as vaults to keep the knowledge safe in case it's fully lost.

Due to such a focus on learning, Araby has had one of the highest literacy rates among human societies in the past. But this has since taken a down turn due to the current political climate. Government spending to pay for citizens to become students and to upkeep the libraries have vanished. Deemed “a waste”. Making these houses of learning the playgrounds of the elites once again. Of course you can't forget the fundamentalist groups demanding that certain knowledge be removed and destroyed (some forcefully doing it themselves). Claiming it's corrupted and will mislead the common man into doing evil. 

It's also home to a specific learning of magic, in which wizards are taught only a handful of spells. Basically making them optimized casters of those spells. They don't “Ignite” the winds of magic to fuel their spells (like imperial magisters), the act of which causes the chance for tzeentch's curse to activate. They instead mold their bodies to be able to safely process the winds into their desired effect.  

Araby & Skaven.
Araby has suffered little influence from the Skaven. A policy of giving the population knowledge of the rat men, and dedicating military forces to kill them in their underground home have greatly helped. Of course the Skaven have never let this go, and still attempt to undermine Araby to this day. 

Sadly the underground military forces have been suffering a death by a thousand cuts. As the government slowly but surely cuts their budget, relocates their equipment, and reassigns their personnel. All made with the arguments of "no longer needing an army to hold back enemies that are no longer there". So this might leave the Skaven an opening to make a come back.

The araby military is mainly a human force with dawi support. Heavy focus on firearms, artillery, war machines (which includes the navy and air force), experimental weapons, squads of wizards dedicated to casting specific spells, their navy. One of their latest initiatives of their Air Force are the brand new flyers, called "Rocs". Essentially metal fixed wing aircraft.

Chaos worship is dealt with execution, but unless there is irrefutable proof of their chaos worship they must tried and found guilty of such. In general chaos is seen as a force that takes some truths about life and twists them out of control. Only causing pain to everyone.  

Nekahara Survivors.
Very Tangential side note. While I know that Nagash supposed killed everyone but one person in Nekahara with his death and undead raise spell. I wanted there to be at least some survivors. These survivors have split off into multiple directions. Most immigrated to other human civilizations (specifically current day Tilea, Estalia, and Araby). 

But an ambitious noble (and their servants) founded a city state in the badlands, called Ketkhara. Priests belonging to Basth, Djaf, and Asaph were the only ones remaining in this group. Eventually leading to the worship of these gods to expand their purview to needs of the citizenry. Asaph being one of the most unrecognizable, turning into a god that represents all the evils of the world.

Friday, September 6, 2024

WHF Rat Queens

Another older piece of fan writing for WHF. This time focusing on the Skaven. General body horror and gross warning.

Master Moulder Kretch Crosstooth is working on a secret project. In a secret laboratory in the northern wastes he aims to create an enhanced strain of breeders.

Protean, self sustaining, and a scourge. She could breed with multiple skaven and give birth to ratlings at the same. Instead of being fed she could just devour the fetuses inside of her. Her output more then enough to curb her hunger. Her mind stunted as to no longer need the drugs to keep the typical breeder docile. And to top it all off all her children will carry a sexually transmitted virus meant to make preexisting breeders infertile.

Kretch dubbed them his Rat Queens. "The perfect plan to corner the market!" according to him. Destroying everyone's access to a resource then selling it at a premium claw over fist, a tride and true skaven tradition. The amount of warpstone and power from it could both make clan moulder and him tower over the rest of skavenkind.

That is, once he gets it working. The research was already taxing due to needing a constant supply of breeders, made worse since he needed to keep this secret. If he wasn't quick enough eventually one of his underlings will mess up and lead his enemies to him.

He was right to be worried, for his newest delivery of breeders were followed by a snitch. It would be less than a month before his destroyed lab would be found by hit squads sent by his rivals.

A week before they arrived Kretch had done it. It looked like a failure at first. The breeder melting into the typical soup of fluids after the initial insemination of the altered sperm. Before slowly reformed and solidified in a pile of wrinkled naked flesh. She was alive and very hungry.

Skaven slaves were ushered into the chamber and ordered to mate. They were of course confused, until wombs formed on the surface of the Rat Queen. Soon more and more slaves were pushed into the room as the Queen expanded and formed more wombs.

In the neighboring viewing room Kretch was getting lost in his own fantasies of grandeur at the sight. It took the loud and wet thwump of a slave being mashed against his window to knock him out of it.

Shapeshifting limbs shot out of the Rat Queen, grabbing and compressing the slaves into meatballs. Wombs reformatted into long toothy maws and fought with each to devour what was left of the slaves. As it ate it lurched towards Gretch's window, a starfield of black eyes opened and gazed upon him.

What Kretch didn't understand was that his process didn't make the breeder birth the rat queen, instead the breeder was transformed into the rat queen. She felt as if she had finally surfaced the water after eons of drowning. Vague memories and feelings became clear and horrifying. Those black eyes exuded pure malice at not just the quivering wreck she beholded, but at every disgusting skaven that ever was.

Kretch wanted to run but only ended up falling out of his chair. His arms turned to jelly as thoughts of either running away or activating the failsafe to kill the abomination. So he only pathetically spasmed on the floor as the rat queen watched with delight. Her eyes then rolled back.

From behind him he heard the doors connecting this room and the lab being ripped out of their frame. A wave of cloudy water came crashing through and flooding the room. Kretch tried to hold his breath but had the wind knocked out of him as a heavy weight hit him in the back. Followed by countless more. Crushing his bones and devouring him as he barely held onto consciousness.

Tiny squeaking hairless maws emerged from the water. Devouring either each other or following any scent they could to find fresh meat. Within the day the first brood of the rat queen had annihilated the lab.

The only ones spared were the remaining breeders being stored there. They instead became the next generation of rat queens. Turning the accursed laboratory into their new nest. A new home where they can plan and stage their revenge against skavenkind.

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Gladiator Lad


Another trip into drawing hyper. This time more muscles and size. Big strong and cute gladiator~ =w=.

Once again cannot understate how wonderful layer masks are for shading. Saved me so much time and is much nicer looking to me.

Sunday, September 1, 2024

WHF Law Gods & Chaos Demons/Princes

Sequel to this post.

Law Gods
Talking about chaos gods in the prequel post, I've completely forgotten to talk about law gods. Personally I see it as law zoomed into an individual level rather than a group level. Eventually there will be a mortals born that will fulfill the possibility of them becoming gods. 

No one is sure how they do become gods tho. Were they born gods? Could there be late bloomer gods? Can a human through circumstance and fate become a god? Do new gods need to devour older gods to take their power? Do they have an innate understanding of the world that allows them to become gods? Point is, eventually old gods die and new gods replace them.

Given the nature of chaos gods, there will be similarities between them and certain law gods. As these law gods can be one of the possibilities of the chaos gods.

Also these gods could be seen as living emblems of a specific path. Given how people will change their way of life to worship a god for all the perks that come with worshiping a god.

Chaos Demons & Demon Princes
Also realized I need to think about how chaos demons & princes fit into all this. And simply put I think chaos demons are specific possibilities of the chaos god they come from made flesh. While princes are still mortals made demonic servants of the chaos gods, the god bringing the possibility of their existence of an all-powerful servant to forefront.

Friday, August 30, 2024

Musings on Warhammer Fantasy Law & Chaos, Mutants, Beastmen, and Chaos Gods.

Wrote this in bed waiting to fall asleep. Started with the idea of having law-aligned groups of mutants in the warhammer fantasy world. Not age of sigmar. That shit is boring as fuck. Also I don't know all the lore, I don't feel like I need to know all the lore to make fan stuff like this. Also I can choose to just ignore lore and make up my own stuff lel.

Firstly going to start with personal interpretations of law and chaos. Law is the idea of the one true path, that there is one way of life (or order or law) so strong and powerful it can conquer all. Chaos is the endless possibilities that your life can take, all happening at once and not at all.

Cause of that they naturally oppose each other. Law stopping chaos from making everything into a primordial soup of possibilities. Chaos stopping law from stomping out all novelty in the world until it’s an optimized gruel.

Law & Chaos were born at the exact same moment and have always existed in each other's presence. Thus there are no true chaotic or lawful force or being. Everything is a ratio of both.

To get onto mutants. Mutants, at least in the empire, are beings that should be killed and burned whenever you can. No exceptions, from the baby that was born with mutations to the late bloomer who was a normal person until puberty hit. Determined by the empire as agents of chaos.

However law’s idea of one to conquer does not inherently imply that the conqueror will be humans, elves, dwarfs, a mix and match of the previous, etc. It’s simply the order that wins at the end. Law is a Gu. So these mutants could be an extension of that. Brand new possible paths created by introducing a bit of chaos. 

Now mutants are typically depicted as a random mishmash of body horror or silly shit. Mayonnaise blood comes to mind as a way to describe it, even tho it's from shadow of the demon lord now WHF but whatever gets it across. There's no order in that besides them being human or another species once. 

However I would argue that this only the case with mutants who follow chaos. They want to be every possibility they could be at once. So of course they would be nonsensical. 

The lawful mutant on the other hands follows a stable and replicable mutation. A set of genes that will be past down to offspring. The birth of a brand new species that will either flourish or will be crushed by an existing order. In the eyes of law either outcome is expected if they wish to create the gold path.

And with that reasoning I'm going to see about making a faction or two of law-aligned mutants =w=. I mainly started this thought cause I was reading Gotrek and Felix and it put mutants on my mind. Always thought they got the short end of the stick so want to make something fun with them. 

And now a few side tangents. 

Given how consistent they are in appearance (big ungulate humanoid), and following the previous line of logic with the lawful mutants, I’ll say that they’re also a result of law producing a new order. But for some reason or another most have fallen into worshiping chaos. 

My guess is that they came from a world that was eventually taken over by chaos. Maybe they had a better understanding of the metaphysics of the world, and understood the general guidelines of law and chaos. Could've been some event that would lead to eventual downfall of their order, and thus the feeling of rejection from law. So in reaction there was an upturn of chaos worship, the worship of a power that would let them exist.

Now that they're in the WHF world, a world where there's still a strong concept of law, it could be possible that some beastmen factions turn away from chaos back to law. Them seeing it as a second chance to win and become the golden path.

Chaos Gods.
Thinking on my interpretation on chaos and law. And I wonder if the big chaos gods (Khorne, Nurgle, Slaanesh, Tzeentch, etc.) are as strong as they are due to lacking possibilities. Most chaotic beings aren't that strong due to being torn apart in so many directions. While these gods could be described as specific and incredibly dense living concepts. Giving them power over those concepts. 

Interestingly chaos with a bit of constraint from law has seemingly gotten the closest to law's goal of making a supreme order with the chaos gods. The same goes for Law. With it needing to propagate chaos in order to create new paths.

Lamentations of the Shopekeeper Launch

After a bit of a push from Sahh, I've uploaded a pdf full of equipment packs for level 1 Lamentation of the Flame Princess characters.

You can find it here!

You may also find Sahh's kilodungeon here! This is the dungeon I've been playing through while writing these packages. Highly recommend it.

Monday, August 26, 2024

Pregnant Nun & Imp "Husband"


GFs Idea: Sexy Nun

Says it right on the tin lel. I've also expanded it to practice some hyper and preg as well.

Also learned about layer masks from my friend. Changed my life with how I shade holy shit. Can't wait to use it more in the future =w=.

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Chain of Freaks: Blogging Challange

Friend of mine is starting a blogging challenge, going to be picking up from another a friend of mine's blog post.

The Houses Are Faces, Jean Veber, 1899

Essentially meant to use the above image to make a gameable piece: monster, npc, magic item, dungeon, village, etc.

The Gernstone Village [Dungeon]
No one is sure why it started, just what happened. A day like any other in the Gernstone village became overrun with suicides. Some made great shows of their deaths, while others quietly died in unseen locations. Only people foreign to the village were unaffected stupefied by the inhabitants actions. 

Ages later when the lord's men road into town to determine why the village had gone quiet. They had found the remains of the old village being crushed and upheaved by giant deformed heads, in the middle of transforming into brick and wood houses. It took a while for any of the men to recognize one of the faces as belonging to one of the original villagers.

It now lays abandoned, the lord cut their losses and heightened the taxes in their other holdings to make up for it. However it being so bizarre has lead the occasional adventurer to delve into the village.

The dungeon is a tightly packed area of houses that the PCs can raid. Each House is a very small confined area. Themed towards the original resident it grew from. Living memories spew from each villager-house, looking to protect their homes.

Cool Thing

Mikhail Petrov’s illustration for the tale “The Frog Tsarevna”.

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Politician & Knight Bodyguard


Image for the Yerrick zine, Politician and Muddy Goblet Knight. I'm off to work on other stuff cause while it only took 5~6 days to do, it felt much longer and I want to draw some other fun stuff to gain a breather.

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Ogre Bell Ringer

GFs Idea: Ogre Bikini

Well... I got as close as I could to a bikini =w=;.

Last night was a little more wilder than usual for him and he can't really hide it.

I didn't initially planned on him being a bell ringer when I first did sketch, he was initially gonna have a polearm. But thought that was boring, and a bit of a crutch for me. Drawing weapons is a bit of crutch lel. 

So ended up drawing something I don't usually draw. And I ended up throwing a lewd edge on him afterwards =w=. Wish I could've done the same lel.

Monday, August 12, 2024



Redraw of one of the drawings for the WIP Yerrick zine. Had a mid life art crisis after drawing the original image. And after talk with friends went back to exploring my art on my own terms.

Ended up going back to the detail heavy style, and I really missed drawing like this. The scratchy style still has it's place with me tho, I'll need it if I want to finish that zine quickly =w=;. Not to mention those 4 months of cranking out drawings really helped with training arc.

But lel here's a witch. One of the friendliest one, will guide you through the ceders if you give her a weapon.

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Sunday, July 28, 2024

Frida Suarez


Based on this draw by Greph (NSFW Artist).

It's her! From the obscure show El Tigre I didn't remember until I saw Greph's draw of her.

I can barely remember watching this show on nick when I was a kid and being honestly bored. Looking back, didn't realize how cute Frida's design is until now =w=. 

Also finally learned how to make this cool liquid swirl pattern I always see in GIMP. Video tutorial can be found here.

Friday, July 26, 2024

Octopus Oubliette (Monster + Treasure)

One entrance. A heavy floor grate that is locked with a padlock. Found in a isolated cell.

An oubliette built into the floor. The bottom is filled with water. Originally a tight cylindrical shape, it now more resembles a thermometer. For the bottom has been dug out to make enough room for the Octopus and the Treasure.

Rusty Octopus, HD2 (HP11), AC14
+3 Attack. Tentacles 1 Dam & Poison save or their strength is lowered by 1d6 for 24 hours. PC dies if strength hits 0.

  • A rusty brown and dank black octopus, just shy of the size of a person. All of it's suckers have a single venomous barb.
  • The movement of water & slapping of tentacles on flesh, armor, or clothing.
  • Kill and devour anyone that steps into the oubliette. Use Treasure as bait to lure adventurers in.

Topaz (45 Silver Coins) & 90 Silver Coins

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Pickpocket Aviary (Special)

One entrance. A glass door with metal frame. Found in the garden.

A large and tall glass and metal frame aviary. Holes meant for birds to enter and leave from are located near the very top. It Houses a small forested grove with a clean pool of water in the middle. The near the bottom are lined with a long troughs filled with seeds, bugs, and dried fruits. Numerous birds fly and rest. The nests are full of various items.

Upon entering a random item on the PC's person can be found in the talons or nests of one of the birds. The birds are very surly and will attack any PCs that attempt to take back their stuff.

Map Demon (Cursed Item)

Found in the "foyer" or similar of a dungeon, on the body of adventurer or thief that tried to loot the location. 

The body is rotting and has it's rib cage broken open (destroyed from the outside if inspected), heart missing. 

The map demon is a fake map of the area. Parts are accurate but most of it is inaccurate. Once the PCs look at the map again in confusion there will instead be a message written on it. "Don't look behind you."

If the PC does, they must make a paralyze save, or the demon will attempt to rip out the PC's heart. Dealing 1d8 damage until it's removed from the PC or is destroyed. If it survives (PC dead or alive), it will attempt to fold into a paper airplane and fly away.

Urn Room (Monster)

One entrance. Archway. Curtain covers the upper half. Connected to a crematorium. No other exits.

A medium sized storage room with some wooden shelves built into the walls. The floor and shelves are covered in clay jars of various sizes, leaving a small area to walk in unobstructed. These jars are filled with the ashes of the deceased. Urn-Man makes his home in one of the larger jars.

Urn-Man, HD2 (8HP), AC12 or 15 while in a jar.
+3 to Attack. Urn throw 1d4 or Ash spirit summon

  • Pale blue humanoid the size of a dog, large head, single leg with bulbous foot. 
  • Ugly throaty cackle, ceramic on ceramic sounds.
  • Wants to fill more urns with corpse ashes.

Can spill urn ashes to summon a spirit (roll d6).
1-2 Soldier HD1 (8HP), AC14, Spear 1d6
3-4 Sargent HD2 (12HP), AC15, Sword 1d8
5-6 Mercenary HD3 (15HP), AC16, Great Sword 1d10

Monday, July 22, 2024

Chun Li


GFs Idea: Chun Li

Lel it just says it on the tin right there. Me and my GFs watched the last two days of EVO together. Was a fun time. Altho the Elena player who switched to Chun Li during the SF3 grand finals is a coward. Hugo player was a fucking champ. 

Also before drawing I was tracing her 3rd strike sprites to gain a better understanding of how they stylized her muscles. Which honestly feel like you could study them for stylized anatomy with how good and detailed the game's sprite are. 

Also struggling to understand what kind of coloring I like. This came out rather nicely, but also like the smoother type sometimes. Ah well will just experiment some more in the future.

Wednesday, July 17, 2024



A GloG class I made by using an old set of powers I made for a Psychic TTRPG that fell through. On my way to bringing it back tho through GLoG. So look forward to it.

Power Concept: Computer, Disease
I ♥ YOU MARY conceptualizes as a puppet that floats in the air behind you. It resembles the upper half of a skeleton. Decomposing flesh in the style of dusty circuit boards and wires hang off the bones.

A You got Mail!
B Worm
C Trojan
D Ransomware

A You Got Mail!
If you're sick with a disease you can have your puppet extract it from you in the form of a CD, floppy disk, cartridge, whatever you prefer. You may also extract a virus from a computer using this method. You may insert this disease/virus into another human/computer, and they will suffer the consequences of it.

B Worm
The target of this power becomes the carrier of a computer virus. The virus is airborne, spread via breathing, and will install itself into any computer once the airborne virus makes contact with an exposed port or internal parts. The airborne virus dies within a minute if it doesn't find a host. This stays in the host until their immune system kills the virus, and the target suffers no ill side effects.

The user must have a sample of the virus on their person when this move is used. It's consumed on use.

C Trojan
The user infects a computer with an electronic form of a real disease. The virus attaches itself to a specific executable in the files that the user chooses. Once the executable is activated the virus attempts to infect everyone within close range of the computer. This virus lasts until the executable is used, deleted, or replaced with a clean version.

The user must have a sample of the disease on their person when this move is used. It's consumed on use.

D Ransomware
The target of this power becomes infected with a disease, along with a mental ransom note they can always bring up by thinking about it. If the target doesn't do what the ransom note says they will never be cured of the disease. The symptoms and effects of the disease are constant and at full force. The target can't further spread the disease.

The user must have a sample of the disease on their person when this move is used. It's consumed on use. The target must be able to do the thing stated by the ransom, and cannot be forced to harm or kill itself. 

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Deep Sea Monster


Back on my horror stint, this time with a deep sea monster. Lel was originally gonna be a bit more mundane, weird serpent with hands and tentacles. But thought it was boring and made it more freaky. With it growing out of a decapitated head. The tentacles being just long strands of hair. 

I quite love it's face. Should say I was inspired by an enemy from the new Elden Ring DLC, the lampreys you see at the finger ruins. Fucking hate em, but they're cool and weird.

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Dungeon Stocking Table

Dungeon Stocking Table
2d6, one for room type and one for treasure chance. Special rooms at base will always be detrimental to PCs.

1-2: Empty / 1:6
3: Trap / 2:6
4-5: Monster / 3:6
6: Special / None

Extra Results
6 for treasure for a empty or trap. The treasure is either cursed or fake.

6 for treasure for a monster. The monster is friendly or at least neutral.

6 for treasure for a special room means it's beneficial towards the PC.

Author's Note.
I was working on a stocking a dungeon when I suddenly thought about "Wait, what about cursed treasure?". So I altered the stocking table I use to include the chance to get cursed treasure. And a byproduct was having a chance for special rooms to be beneficial =w=.

Monday, July 8, 2024


Before getting into the horror stuff, wanted to draw my recently retired adventurer Peck. 

Retired from adventurer so that she can work on becoming a vampire, and help the vampire who told her how to become a vampire.

Sunday, July 7, 2024

Barbarian x Elf Witch


Elf wizard pushed against tree after barbarian ripped open his robe.

More ambition! Drawing two characters (lewdly) interacting! Lel Also practicing some new body types. 

Next time I'm probably gonna focus on some horror fantasy stuff. Got hit by that mood lately after watching a vermis lore vid. Should reread those books. Vermis 2 felt like a miss for me, but maybe I should give it another shot.

Saturday, June 29, 2024

Warrior V. Chariot


GFs Prompt: a low/squatting combat stance & multiarmed warrior, master of arms huehue

I wanted to do a big fantasy piece, a dynamic standoff complete with detailed background. I ended up once again saying "Fuck off backgrounds" and just drawing the characters. Ended up looking up the Bleach Artbook I own after finishing this to get some affirmation that's it's completely fine to not drawing backgrounds (or just draw simple/abstract background) and focus on characters. 

The anatomy practice is really paying off, as I had that really guide me through piecing the warrior's pose together! He's a guy btw, rocking the leotard.

Anyways doing this piece made me realize I should try to be more ambitious with my drawings. This has been much more fun than drawing a full body standing character. Hell the idea of drawing two characters more subtlety interacting sounds more interesting than that. So I will do my best!

Wednesday, June 26, 2024



A little draw I did for a discord server, part of a monthly theme draw. This time was Greek Mythology, so I ended drawing a Heracles. Both like him ad figured he would be a good subject during training arc =w=

Gave him the 4 ab set since I feel that is particularly powerful looking. 6 and so packs always looked a bit wimpy lel. Also def gave him a feminine edge, more of my own tastes coming through~

Next big draw, def want try some hand practice. I will ask GFs for idea later~

Friday, June 21, 2024

Bikini Necro


This one made cry in frustration due to being hanged up on drawing hands. But my GFs came through for me and helped me process it. Now I finished!

Zombie elf femboy in the stitched on bikini~ was very fun to draw the bulge and legs. Especially after learning I can use the top of the femur as a landmark to determine dick location.

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Femboy in Bloomers

GFs Prompt: shorts that dont fit + Sporty Style

Lel wanted to draw a femboy. Was struggling a bit to come up with an outfit for the prompt, but had an epiphany. Gym Bloomers (lmao). Trying to get better at drawing hands now. Will def take a bit to fully understand, but I'm still moving forward. Very happy how I drew overall body =w=

Also had fun messing around with layer effects. 3 layers, burn, shine, and multiply. Quite like how the burn layer affected the colors. 

Next time, I will see about drawing bikini armor on a cute guy~ 

I think I will go for an edgy style lel~



It's her! The funny lady that went "You didn't win!" and ran away.

Lel tho seriously, that made me love her alot. To me you don't really see gym leaders be that much of a character (at least in the earlier games). So her doing that immediately endear me to her (Her design being cute as hell also did work but still). 

Also speaking of, ended up alter her design a bit. Used original designed and altered it. No cape, mainly cause my brain either couldn't understand how it worked or it did and just didn't like it. So ended up with long gloves. Also made leotard resemble kingdra's belly.

Also also, made her muscular but wasn't on purpose. Been on a training arc for last couple months, studying and internalizing anatomy. Was mainly me wanting to do more practice. Regardless she still looks good muscular =w=

Wednesday, June 12, 2024



This one came about with me wanting to practice drawing other kinds of shots, this one being a bust shot. Also wanted to practice different kinds of coloring tech. Very hard edge splotchy brush. 

Coloring is def something I feel I'll be working towards understanding for a long while. Trying to find a specific way of coloring that really resonates with me and feels fun to do. This feels fun, but something feels a bit off. Might be cause I'm unsure what I really want.

Background was me messing around with various filters and combining them. Really like the PSI mess I made of it lel.

Friday, June 7, 2024

Vault Mimic


GF's Prompt: unconventional mimic

Lel I wanted to make something weird and goofy like you would find in a fromsoft souls games. Going off GFs prompt ended up making this fuckus of a mimic. Gave me lots of practice drawing arms lel.

I'm imagining the first time you run into one of these, the room itself is trashed and filled with the visceral remains of some adventurers, the vault tucked in the corner. Wondering what did this, you try to open it and find out who did.

Thursday, June 6, 2024

Waterfall Shower


GFs Prompt: Shower

This time I don't stream that far off! But lel was trying to do a piece to help practice anatomy drawing. Had an epiphany on obliques the other day lel. 

Also got the chance to brush up on doing background work. Was recently inspired by an OVA i saw a handful of days ago. Patalliro! - Stardust Project (included in a playlist of other OVAs). Very zany, stylish, and queer as hell. Def recommend it. Love the abstract backgrounds that are all over it.

Also the girl is based on a depiction of a gendersap conan drawn by Mossacannibalis.

Monday, June 3, 2024



GFs prompt: holstaur girl milky boobs

The initial ideas was to be more of a vanilla holstaur monster girl. But I lost control and ended up making this. I quite like them tho~ plus gave me more practice on drawings musculature.

Really I just wanted an idea so I could practice drawing big breasts that weren't supported by anything. Their udders were probably my favorite part to draw and the part that came out the best imo lel.

Also also gave me the chance to try out a coloring tech I used last year with my current lining tech. I quite like it! Gonna stick with it~

Monday, May 27, 2024

Helstalt: Release!


You can find it here!

Made a zine! A very small bestiary of demons and souls of the damned that flood the city of Yerrick.

NSFW warning for nudity, body horror, and some gore.

Sunday, May 26, 2024

Damned: Emperor Yerrick The False


GFs Prompt: a pretender lord, leeching blood from the powerless, trodding upon corpses like stairs

Last big piece for the zine! Just need to some smaller stuff and write up this guy's section and I'll be ready to publish!

Probably my favorite design in the zine. I would be lying if I said bloodborne's Queen Yharnam and the Draco Meta-Morphs in Tower Dungeon weren't an influence. Monstrous Inhuman nobles are a trope I quite like.

Also got to make little freaky dudes, which is always fun. This time they're part of a flesh cape! 

Friday, May 24, 2024

Simple Android 18


Lel as title states. On a training arc to get better at internalizing anatomy, wanted to practice by drawing android 18. Lel sucker for her since I was a kid.

Thursday, May 23, 2024

Demon: Black Sea Mirror


GFs Prompt: insatiable, otherworldly hunger. all consuming void

And the second demon to show up in the zine. Based on the amphisbaena. Also yes that is the black hole picture that was taken recently. Probably my favorite monster mechanically in the zine.

Demon: Golden Quicksilver

GFs Prompt: whisperer of paranoia, there are enemies everywhere

Getting into one of the two demons that will appear in the zine. Lel I would say more but would be repeating what I wrote in the zine. 

Will say tho that it's based on an older piece I made. Shown below.

Also laughing at a friend's observation, calling it a "biblically accurate piranha plant".

Saturday, May 18, 2024

Damned: General Thomathan "Deaf-Head" Hane


GFs Prompt:  xenophobia clad in armor, ransacking lands deemed savage, spurred by hate for those deemed lesser

Decided to get work on a zine after getting some push to do so from a discord server I'm in and from my GFs. Going to involve the hell stallion from a couple of posts ago. Essentially a small bestiary (just gonna list 4 since i want to actually finish a zine lel) of demons and souls damned to hell. Setting is a city called Yerrick, and everyone once and a while the Helstalt breaks out of hell flies across the sky. Of course the prisoners of hell Demons and Souls Damned to it escape and reek havoc on the city. At least until the Devils can bring them back. 

And this guy is one of the two big Damned characters. General Thomathan "Deaf-Head" Hane. I thought of what kind of nickname this guy would have in life. Thought about raw head or bloody bones for a bit, before hitting on Deaf-Head. A play on his ear trophies and his brutal nature.

Lel I feel most people don't really think a mail set is considered armored. At least fantasy wise. It's always plates I feel. But it works for me here and I like how it looks. Plus gave me more practice drawing it.

Also was an experiment in coloring a mostly red character. Dipped into the dark browns here and there but still red in my book. Happy how it came out, very reflective of him.

Also the phrase on his blade was something inspired by youtube comments. Mainly shit I was forced to see by the youtube app. Got so tired of it I ended up uninstalling it a couple of days ago. Figured it would exactly be the kind of thing written by a loser/monster who landed hell. 

Also I think I will make the melted shackles a motif for the damned. No escaping from the weight of your deeds and such.

Friday, May 17, 2024

Monsters & Traps

Been a while since I did this. Have gotten too busy falling back in love with drawing lel. Don't think I'll be doing the same thing I did with the previous monster entries. Too much work and the novelty ran out for me =w=. So I'll just write em out. 

Flies the size of a small dog with a globular abdomen filled with C4. Once it gets close it explodes, igniting the C4 via an agent in their thorax.

A pit of aerated water with something shiny at the bottom of it. People are less buoyant than the water so they'll sink if they dive in.

A treasure plugging up a geyser that will burst open once it's pulled out. 

Brittle transparent fungi that when step on release a cloud of glass dust in the air. Shredding unprotected eyes and your throat and lungs if you breath it in.

Treasure in the form of an offering to a god. Taking it will cause the thief to suffer from terrible luck until they've gotten rid of it.

Humanoid goat monsters able to balance and climb on the smallest ledges. Armed with bows. Attack in vertical rooms where adventurers are preoccupied with trying to get up.

A little bastard monster that throws pots full of shit at you. Makes you more detectable. Ruin exposed food stuffs and scrolls. Put out fires. Make you unable to keep anything you feed yourself down afterwards if your hands or utensils gets covered in it. Tell me. How many sources of clean water without some kind of catch will there be in the dungeon? Are you willing to use your limited water rations to clean yourselves? Hope you brought soap.

A stone arm that forms out of the walls. Stops adventurers from going through specific doors unless they pay a toll.

Bog of viscous sticky oil.

Thursday, May 16, 2024

Bottom Heavy


OG background photographed by Ron Lach

Recently asked artists friends for some anatomy tips since I was having trouble drawing it without constant reference (and even then didn't come out too good). Got pointed to a handful (Torso, Legs, Arms) of tutorials by Jazza which really helped me out immensely. Going to try and do a study every week or so until I can do it without it. As well apply it to my drawings to further push my understanding along.

Which I did for this piece, and it went really smoothly. Did end up reference the study I did a few times, but hopefully I'll have this cemented in my mind soon enough that I won't have to. The body type was mainly inspired by the main girl in this doujin by Jun (or the circle ROJIURA JACK). Massive fan of their work for a long while. Love how soft, rounded, and meaty their characters look.

Also ended up making some extra version since couldn't pick which color scheme I liked best.

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Hell Stallion


GFs Prompt: Hell Stallion

I'm personally a big fan of making demons or devils look just bizarre.  Hieronymus Bosch type shit. Plus a bit of Mari Lwyd and other cool and freaky folk monsters.

Had a bit of trouble coming up with colors at first. Was still trying to go for the bright flat colors at the time. But then I had a realization that I didn't need to do that. The need to have everything colors like that was the skeleton of my previous artistic process hiding away and still influencing me. Did away with that and ended up coming up inverting it. White lines with black solids on a red background. Feels very fitting for the type of monster it is.

So yeah fuck it I will color anything the hell I want and call it a finished piece if I feel like it's a finished piece. Trying to go all one size fits all with coloring is just gonna negatively restrain me. So I'll color the image on it's terms.

Thursday, May 9, 2024

Fresno Nightcrawlers


GFs Prompt: Fresno Nightcrawlers

Lel it's what it says on the tin. Both me and the GFs love these little guys. Was initially baffled as to how to draw em due to how little detail they have. But decided to take some liberties and make a neat looking creature.

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Leech Orangutan

 GFs Prompt: A mix of two animals.

And as the title says I picked a leech and Orangutan. I kinda felt that apes aren't really the subject of chimeras that often. So thought it would be neat to do so. Looking em up they are both very funny looking and scary. Also I had no idea leeches had eyes until this piece.

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Weird Librarian


GFs Idea: Sexy Librarian

Well after a couple of failed attempts, I made a librarian that is sexy to at least me lmao. Very much in the eldritch mood, so hopefully should be able to do more spooky stuff soon.

Very much enjoy how I did the background with this. Lovely shade of yellow with the white circles representing candle light. Inspired by the shadow monster that shows up during Auntie Nyan Nyan's chapter. Especially with the eyes on one of the twin tail ends.

Saturday, May 4, 2024

Auntie Nyan Nyan 2


OG background photographed by Arnie Chou

Another Auntie Nyan Nyan x D pic. Her going a bit overboard on D and licking his wounds so he doesn't die too soon. Her own form of being dere (at least in my delusions since seeing dev confirmation that she just hates MC/humans TwT. But I'll indulge in my delusions while trying not to warp her too much).

Forgot how fun it was to draw blood and guts lmao. Especially happy with how it looks on Auntie's boobs. Also happy I get so show how big she is normally (unlike last pic which was me playing with size for fun/cuteness).

Thursday, May 2, 2024

Auntie Nyan Nyan


OG background photographed by Robert Gruszecki

Auntie Nyan Nyan has done irreversible damage to me. As well as Sucker for Love in general. Go play it and the sequel that just came out! 

I love her voice, her personality, her look ahhhhhhhhh. I haven't felt this way for a character in a long long long time. I'll see about doing more art of her in the future. Probably some tsundere type stuff. I get that feeling from her. Prob a pic of her raking D's back then licking the wounds with face hole tentacles.

Also yeah that love letter I wrote on the previous post was fueled by Nyan Nyan lust. Also making me rethink what can and can't be lovecraftian horror. Really just making me loosen up. Especially with the horrors being able to talk to humans. Hell I loved Saya no Uta for a long time (one of my favorite VNs) and I still thought that the eldritch shouldn't really talk. 

Some half-baked notion of "It would make it less horrific" without really thinking on it. Annoying blanket statement type stuff. Anyways random rant over. Go play Sucker for Love! 

Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Love Letter


If I could upload PDF files I would. But anyways this is something I wrote after suffering irreversible damage after being exposed to Auntie Nyan Nyan in Sucker for Love. 

Think of it like finding an old letter in the attic of your great grandparent's house.

Shalay: Nechronica Doll


A portrait I made for my Nechronica character, Shalay. First time actually doing a portrait in this style and I quite enjoyed it. Made me realize I should probably zoom out to see the whole canvas when drawing lines. Further emulates drawing physically and ekes out some more drawing instincts.

Shalay actually started out as a 5e character (my first real 5e character as I got to play em). She's an utter scumbag originally, but alot more amenable in her Nechronica version. 

Nechronica itself was really fun and intense. Really gave you feelings of hopelessness and going mad as combat goes on. She was half a torso with a jaw and most of her arms by the time combat ended. Incredibly fun customization options as well. So much crazy shit you can put together.

Thursday, April 25, 2024

Acid Gimp

 This was drawn cause I had a nightmare a few days ago. Of it a lady wearing a gimp suit was trying to gas me in my house. Comically it was trying to spray gas through my window, which I just closed. I guess I went outside at some point and she ended up crouching like a creature and spraying me with a weird liquid from a needle.

So I ended up drawing this.

I quite like the body shapes and poses I drew her in. The text is taken from the cut scene the Corroder first shows up in. As seen here. Love that game so much and it's cut scene direction.

Original background photographed by Andrew Kota